Chapter 79- Need Some Space

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  Molly stared out the window as Junior snuggled against her chest. "Mana" Nuno yawned as he stepped out of what the second bedroom in the apartment. "Mana" she replied. "Did you get any sleep last night?" he asked taking a seat on the couch. "Not really" she said. She had spent most of the night staring at Junior who she had laid in the bed next to her cocooned in pillows.

"You probably couldn't sleep since you were away from home" Nuno told her. "That's not my home Nuno. I don't really have a home" she said. "That's horseshit" Nuno told her. "Excuse me?" she asked. "Your home is where Junior and Cris are" he told her. "Nuno" she said. "He lied to you. I get it Molly. But he paid for their rehab" he said. "Just because he through money at something doesn't mean I should forget that he looked me in the eyes and lied to me" Molly snapped.

"He didn't tell you is what you mean" Nuno said. "What?" she asked. "He didn't technically lie to you.

I mean you never once asked him if he knew where they were and he told you know. He just didn't tell you something he knew. There's a difference" he said. "If there is such a difference then how come I still end up getting hurt?" she asked him. "Hurting you is the last thing he wants Molly" Nuno said. "But it's something he exiles at" Molly replied. "He said he paid for your parents' rehab the summer you moved to Madrid" Nuno said. "And" she said.

"The plan back then was for you and him never to see each other again after you had the baby" he said. "And" she said. "Why would he get involved in someone's life if he only thought of her as his baby ticket?" he asked. "Because....." she paused. "Ya not so simple now is it?" Nuno asked as a knock came to the door. "No one knows you're here" Nuno said.

"Ana does. I phoned her when I got up" Molly told him. "Doubt it's her. She's probably still grumpy you woke her up to talk to her this morning to be here right now. Or she's over killing Cris" Nuno said standing from the couch. "I only told her that my parents are in town and that I was at the apartment. I didn't tell her about Cristiano" Molly said as the door sounded again. "I'll see who it is" Nuno said. "It's probably just Jorge" Molly said moving away from the window and she took a seat on the couch.

She looked around the apartment she had once lived in. Even then it had felt so empty. Sure she hadn't Junior with her back then. But even with him in her arms, the apartment didn't feel right. "Molly" Cristiano said and she stood from the couch. "Why the hell did you leave him in?" Molly asked Nuno. "I'm heading back to the house. This is between you two. Just remember that you have a son together" Nuno said grabbing his jacket and headed out the door.

"I told you I need space" Molly told Cristiano. "I should have come straight after you when you left my house the first time a few months ago. I wasn't making the same mistake again" he told her. "You just prefer to lie to me over and over again" she snapped. "I should have told you" he said. "Yes you should have. They are my parents" she snapped. "Molly" he said. "Just leave Ronaldo. I really don't want to fight" she told him. "Then let's just talk instead" he said. "I need time" she said. "Can I at least hold my son before I go please?" he asked. She nodded and he came a step closer to her.

"Hello little man. Are you being good for your mama?" Cristiano asked as Molly held their son out towards him. "I missed you" Cristiano said taking Junior into his arms. "I missed your mama too" Cristiano said looking at Molly and then back at Junior. "I should get him something to eat" Molly said. "I brought some food. I figured you wouldn't have had time to go to a shop yet. I left a bag at the door" he said. "Thank you" she said.

"I know you are angry with me Molly, but please don't shut me out" he begged. "I.....I found out that the person who I thought knew me better than anyone in the entire world repeatedly lied to me. And my parents showed up. Do you have any idea what is going through my head right now?" she asked.

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