Chapter 32- Sleep Well?

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  The sun began to shine through a tiny gap in the blind and Cristiano's eyes began to flutter open. He groaned when he saw the room was a little brighter than the last time he had seen it. It had only felt like he had fallen asleep. He turned his head to the right slowly and blinked a couple of times when he saw the sleeping brunette laying her head on his shoulder.

Then he remembered where he was. He remembered coming into to Molly's room to find her watching Junior as he slept. He had pulled her into his lap and they had just sat watching their son. Then they must have both fallen asleep he thought. He stared at Molly whose arm was wrapped tightly around his waist under the cover he had pulled from her bed. She looked so peaceful he thought.

He let out a peaceful sigh and closed his eyes before settling his head just inches from Molly's. Molly's right leg bent more in his lap and Cristiano hand which had been resting on her leg under the cover moved with her leg. Her pyjama bottoms had moved above her knees and his hand connected with her skin. His fingers automatically caressed the skin under them and Molly snuggled closer to his warm body. His fingers moved under the pyjama bottom up her thigh and Molly suddenly jumped awake in his lap and lifted her head unexpectedly whacking their heads together.

"What the.." Molly groaned as they both lifted their hands to their heads. "Mana" Cristiano smiled as her eyes adjusted to the morning. "Why did your big head also have to be hard?" she groaned as she shifted to a more comfortable position in his lap. He bit his lip as he tried not to think about something else that was hard at the moment and hoped she didn't notice.

"Ahm we fell asleep" he mumbled as her eyes began to close once more. "I guess we did" she muttered followed by a yawn. He moved his hand to the side of her face and brushed her hair behind her ear. "You have a lot of sleep to catch up on" he muttered. "At least he's home now" she mumbled and her eyes flipped open. "Junior" she said and sat up in his lap and looked towards the cot. "He's ok. He's ok. See he's still out for the count" Cristiano reassured her and he noticed she began to untense at his words.

"Mana" she mumbled brushing her hand through her hair. He laughed and she glared at him. "What?" she asked. "Nothing" he smiled at how adorable she was right then. "You're a strange man at times" she said. "I'll take at times" he smiled. "Urgh what time is it?" she asked. "Early" he replied. "Way too early" she said and Junior made them both aware that he was no longer asleep. "Someone is awake" she smiled looking at the cot.

"He probably wants a cuddle from his mama" Cristiano said and she looked at him. "I can't believe he's actually here after everything" Molly said. "Well he is. So enough thinking about the last couple of weeks. Now why don't you" he said pulling the cover off them before lifting his feet off the end of the bed and placing them on the ground. He moved his arms so he could carry her and stood.

"Cristiano" Molly gasped as he moved to lay her down on the bed. "Why don't you stay in bed a bit longer. I've got him" he said as he moved to pick up the cover on the ground. "But" she said and he held his hand up. "No buts" he said and she giggled when he pulled the cover up to her neck and tucked the cover around her body. "Sleep. I've got him. We haven't had one of our morning papa/son time in ages" Cristiano as he picked a smiling Junior out of his cot. Molly looked up from the bed and smiled at the sight of Junior in his father's arms. "Sleep" Cristiano said not waiting for her response as he made his way to the door.

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