Chapter 72- Maybe I've Already Won

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  "I don't get why I can't just pack tomorrow" Cristiano groaned as he searched his walk in closet for the right shoes. "Cos you have a game tomorrow" he heard Molly call out. "But I don't go to Zurich until Monday. I have all Monday morning to do this" he pouted coming to stand at the door.

He watched as she rolled onto her side to face him as Junior crawled along the bed beside her. "Well since we've being up here for the last twenty minutes and you still haven't packed one thing, we'll be lucky if you've even packed a pair of socks by Monday" she said.

"Ha bloody ha" he groaned stepping back into the closet. "Papa is grumpy Junior" Molly smiled at her son who giggled. "I'm not grumpy" she heard Cristiano call out and she rolled her eyes. "Just pick a suit. It doesn't take normal people long" she called out. "Though we all know you're not normal so ya of course you take ages" Molly said. "I don't want to pick something that makes me look horrible" he called out.

"Never stopped you before" she mumbled. "What did you say?" he asked reappearing at the door. "I said that it never stopped you before" she said. "Did you hit your head lately cos I can't think why you would even considering thinking that?" he asked. "Nope. I haven't hit my head or lost my mind you'd be happy to know" she smiled. "We all know you lost your mind a long time ago" he smirked. "I put up with you so ya I must have" she said and he stuck his tongue out at her. "Oh look Junior, papa is acting silly again" Molly said placing Junior onto her chest.

"I'm not being silly. I'm just saying that you are wrong. I have great taste" he grinned. "I could walk in there" she said pointing to the closet. "And pick out at least two suitcases full of clothes that I could label what were you thinking" she said. "Nonsense" he said aghast. "Just cos you have the ability to purchase designer clothes doesn't mean you purchase taste and style" she said stroking Junior's back.

"Two suitcases. You are....being ridiculous" he huffed walking back into the closet. "I'm being right" she muttered. "Like really two. There might be one or two pieces that might not have being the best choice" he said appearing at the doorway once more. "Ha there's more than one or two" she said. "I can't talk to you when you are being ridiculous" he said. "Why does it matter to you what I think anyway?" she asked.

"You think my taste is horrible" he pouted and she rolled her eyes. "I never said those words" she told him. "You implied it" he pouted leaning against the doorframe. "Just wear what you want" she said. "You seriously think I don't look good all the time?" he asked. "Well I wanted to tear that black if you could call a shirt, thing you wore yesterday off you" she said.

"Why Molly if you want me shirtless all you have to do is ask" he smirked at her as his fingers went to the bottom of his shirt and he started to pull it up. "I meant that the print was burning my eyes" she said and he laughed when the pillow hit him. "Muppet" she said. "Ok fine that might have been a bit out there" he conceded. "Just stay classic. It suits you" she said. "You mean it makes me look hot" he grinned. "But then you open your mouth" she said. "But I look hot. That's the important thing" he winked and she rolled her eyes at him.

"The length of time it takes you to get ready you should be getting the fashion stakes right all the time" she told him. "I do not take that long" he insisted. "You know that I'd have packed a weeks' worth of clothes for both Junior and I in the time it's taking you to pack one suit. And you spend more time getting ready then all the women in your family" she said. "There's nothing wrong with taking an interest in how one looks" he said. "One looks oh look whose getting all proper English" she joked.

"Ha ha. Well we can't all be like you and look gorgeous after twenty minutes" he sighed as he walked towards the bed. "Now that's not true" she told him. "It is. Urgh I wish you were coming to Switzerland" he sighed as he fell onto the bed beside her which made her laugh. "Oh ya that would look great. You turning up with your baby mama the week you break up with your supermodel girlfriend" she said rolling Junior onto the bed so he was between them.

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