Chapter 22- Can I Fix It?

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  "Everything ok" Pepe asked when Cristiano stepped back into Junior's hospital room. "Molly's asleep. I told Ana not to rush back here" Cristiano said smiling at his son in his cot. "She must be so exhausted. You both are" Pepe said as Cristiano took a seat next to him. "I think everyone is. It's been a long week" Cristiano said. "At least it ended good" Pepe said. "If he had..." Cristiano paused. "But he didn't. He's going to make a full recovery and he'll be home with you before you know it" Pepe said.

"He didn't do anything to deserve any of this. It should have being me. I should have being the one to suffer not him" Cristiano said. "Cris he's better. And you did suffer. You've being through hell this week" Pepe said. "I'm the one who caused all this hell" Cristiano mumbled. "Mate it's not your fault Junior got sick. It was just one of those things" Pepe said.

"It is my fault. Everything is my fault. I've had everyone lying because of me for months. I've put Molly through hell. She's being miserable and suffered so much because of me. It should have been me that was ill" Cristiano said.

"Mate hey it's ok" Pepe said. "It's not. Junior could have died. He could have died and Molly..." Cristiano paused. "He didn't die Cris" Pepe said. "He could have died and Molly would have....she wouldn't have got to be with him" Cristiano said.

"Cris she was here. Stop all of this dying talk" Pepe said. "She should have being with him. The nanny shouldn't have been there. I shouldn't have pushed her to leave. I should have kept my mouth shut. I should have opened it" Cristiano said. "Cris" Pepe said. "If she had being there then she would have noticed that he was sick. Maybe Junior wouldn't have gotten so ill. If she had been there none of us would have had to go through this hell of a week. Junior wouldn't have had to be prodded and poked and Molly wouldn't have being so lost" Cristiano said.

"Cris you don't know if that is the case. You don't know if he wouldn't have gotten so sick if she had been there. And you can't change that she wasn't" Pepe said. "He could have died not knowing she was his mother" Cristiano said. "Cris" Pepe said. "She would have lost her son. The son she never would have gotten to call her son and it would have being all my fault" Cristiano said holding his head in his hands. "Cris stop. Stop thinking like that. Junior is fine and Molly just needs to get over the shock of this week and will be back to herself in no time" Pepe said.

"Are you not going to ask?" Cristiano asked straighten up in his chair. "Ask what?" Pepe asked. "Why I hid the truth about Molly? Who she really is?" Cristiano asked. "It's not really my business mate" Pepe shrugged. "I lied to you and everybody. You have as much right to be angry at me like everyone else" Cristiano said. "I could have acted the same way as you in your position. It's your life at the end of the day mate" Pepe said. "I guess everyone is curious about it all" Cristiano said.

"I guess most of us are having trouble with why you kept it all such a secret. Like Molly is very insisted that you didn't cheat on Irina with her so I don't get the big secret. But again it's none of my business" Pepe said and Cristiano smiled. "Ana was right. The whole ended in a mess" Cristiano mumbled.

"So Ana did know then. I knew she didn't have the same reaction as the rest of us when Molly screamed it out the other night. She's known for a while. Hasn't she?" Pepe asked. "Just a few weeks. She figured it out. Gave me a couple of slaps. I deserve a whole lot more for everything I've put people through" Cristiano said.

"Come on Cris you're not the first footballer to get a chick pregnant by accident when you weren't even dating her. The biggest surprise for me is that Molly actually succumbed to your charms. Now I thought she was meant to be smart" Pepe smirked at him. "It wasn't my charms that got her into my bed. It was her desperation which I took advantage of. I've put her through so much the last year and a bit I don't know how she can be around me" Cristiano sighed.

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