Chapter 85- Taking A Step Forward

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  "It's just a match you know" Ana muttered to Molly. "Huh" Molly said looking away from the pitch and turned her head slightly to her left. "You look nervous" Ana said. "I'm not. It's not...not the match" Molly muttered. "I never did get to ask about you, Cris and the elevator" Ana laughed. "I can't believe it stopped" Molly said as Sergio kicked the ball to Pepe on the field below. "Ya strange. So given that you and him looked friendly at his party yesterday, I take it you and him didn't scream at each other whilst locked inside the elevator" Ana said.

"We talked" Molly said as Dolores coughed trying to concentrate of the match. "Let's" Molly said nodding to inside the suite. She stood with Junior in her arms and Ana followed her back inside the suite. "So you and him talked" Ana said as they took a seat on the couch. "I can't thank him enough for what he did for my parents" Molly said settling Junior onto her lap. "But" Ana said. "He lied to me. I just can't forget that" Molly said. "But he thought he was doing the right thing" Ana said. "I trusted him Ana. I trusted him more than anyone and then he hurt me" Molly said.

"Mols" Ana said. "I know I'm being an unreasonable bitch. It's just that it's not just me I have to think about" Molly said nodding at Junior. "You're afraid that you will ruin things if you take a chance on Cris" Ana said. "I don't even know what he wants Ana" Molly said. "Everyone can see what he wants. Who he wants Molly" Ana told her. "He said he kissed me cos he wanted to not cos I was just there" Molly said. "That's good" Ana said. "I just need to sort things out with my parents before" she paused.

"Sort out the hard stuff before figuring things out with Cris huh. I understand" Ana said. "I'm glad you understand cos I don't" Molly smiled. "You want him to want you. Not just want you because you're Junior's mother or because he thinks it's the right thing to do. I mean to be with you" Ana said. "Maybe" Molly shrugged. "It will work out" Ana said. "I just need to get my head sorted. My parents are coming to visit Junior tomorrow" Molly told her. "Woah ok. Now I see why you need your head sorting out. It's no wonder you can't see clearly when it comes to Cris" Ana said.

"I kissed him" Molly mumbled. "I know you told me" Ana said looking up at the TV screen in the suite. "I meant last night" Molly said and Ana looked at her. "What?" Ana asked. "We were talking after everyone left and I don't know he was sweet and said he wouldn't push me. And then said something about making a wish that we'd kiss when he blew out his candles on his cake. It just happened" Molly said. "Oh Mols you're in deep and you don't even know it" Ana laughed.

"Rodrigo" Carina Carvalho, the wife of Ricardo yelled as her son came running up to Molly and Ana. "Hello" Molly smiled at the little boy. "Sorry he was getting restless watching the match" Carina said taking a seat next to Molly. "It's ok. I know boys named Rodrigo can be a handful but are still so adorable" Molly smiled thinking of Katia and her boys who were leaving for Lisbon after the game. "How are you two?" Carina asked. "We are good. How is Rachel?" Ana asked. "She's starting to walk. Lola and I are watching her like a hawk today" Carina said as her cousin walked into the room with Carina's little girl. "She wants to be running around" Lola said.

"She likes having you visiting. Just a shame I can't convince my cousin to stay in Madrid longer. She's only still here cos she was watching Jon for Nagore this week" Carina said. "Oh that's right. Nagore said she had someone helping her watch Jon whilst she was working" Molly said remembering the praise Nagore had given the woman. "He's a lovely baby. And your little boy is just as lovely" Lola smiled at Junior. "Ya he is. He is also a smelly one. I must change his nappy" Molly said standing. "I can do if you like. Let you watch the match" Lola said.

"Oh no it's" Molly said. "I don't mind" Lola smiled. "Let her do it Mols, she needs all the practice if she's going to be a full time nanny. You can tell me what you are planning on saying to Perez about his elevators" Carina laughed. "You're a nanny?" Molly asked Lola. "I have a degree in child care and I am a qualified nanny. I haven't decided what I want to do yet" Lola admitted as Junior cried. "I really don't mind changing his nappy" Lola said. "Ok" Molly said standing to hand Lola Junior.

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