Chapter 64- Not Far Off?

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  "Bless you" Molly smiled at her son after he sneezed. It was only 10 in the morning but Molly had felt like she had being up for hours. The doorbell rang and she moved to get up from where she was sitting on the floor in the living room. "I've got it Mols" Nuno said as ran to get the door. Irina had dragged her sister into the gym an hour ago whilst Cristiano had still to make an appearance downstairs. "Óle Molly" Pepe said as he strolled into the living room.

"Mana Pepe. I thought you'd have taken Ana off somewhere for the day" she smiled and he groaned. "Oh don't you start. Apparently I don't take her anywhere" he said taking a seat on the couch. "You kind of don't" Molly laughed. "Well I'm not a romantic like Cris so I don't know why she should be surprised" he shrugged. "Speaking of Cris where is he? Is he feeling any better?" Pepe asked.

"He's upstairs. He got a headache his morning" Molly said and Irina and Tatiana appeared.

"Ah a 6 foot kind of headache" Pepe muttered and Molly laughed. "What are you laughing at?" Irina asked. "Nothing. Welcome back to Madrid ladies" Pepe said. Irina ignored him and went in search of a drink. "Thank you" Tatiana smiled at the defender. "How is your back and neck?" Molly asked her. "A little sore" Tatiana replied. "I'll get you a hot water bottle" Molly said moving to stand. "Oh no it's ok. You stay with Junior" she said. "It will take two minutes. Plus Junior wants to say hi to Tío Pepe" Molly smiled placing Junior onto Pepe's lap.

"If my woman goes baby crazy after this week I'm blaming you Molly" he said. "Mmm how about we blame Cristiano since he got sick instead" she smiled moving towards the kitchen. "Use a condom. Problem solved. Shame my boyfriend forgot to use one" Irina said. "Why don't you go upstairs and tell him that Irina. He'll find you a bigger box" Nuno snapped at her. "Or just go up and wake him. He won't sleep if he stays in bed any longer" Molly said. "He can stay in bed if he likes" Irina said walking out of the room. "And tell him that I'm here" Pepe called out after her.

"I swear I'm going to find another use for my frying pan one of these days" Nuno said. "Nuno" Molly said looking at Tatiana. "It's ok. I know she can be-

"A bitch" Nuno finished. "Ignore Nuno he got to bed late. I'll find that hot water bottle for you Tatiana "Molly said and went in search of it.

Irina opened the door to Cristiano's room as he was pulling on a pair of jeans. "Babe you're awake" she smiled. "Ya" he replied. "I brought you a drink. I thought you'd be thirsty" she said holding out a glass. "Thanks" he said taking it from her. "Why don't you sit for a bit while I shower and then we can go out for brunch" she suggested. "Or you could join me in the shower" she said running a finger across the back of his neck. "I just had one. And I'm not in the mood to go out" he said downing the glass in one go.

"Then we can catch up. I have loads to tell you" she said. "I want to see Junior" he said. "Molly has him" she said. "And I want to spend time with him" Cristiano said. "We can take him for a walk or play a game with him. You sit and I'll shower" she said nudging him to sit on the bed. "I won't be long" she smiled heading to the bathroom. He sighed and laid on his back. He heard a buzzing sound near the bed and sat up straight.

The buzzing continued and he noticed Irina's phone on the floor. He bent down to pick it up and saw a text appear on the screen. His fingers gripped the phone and he clicked into the unlocked phone. He scrolled up through the messages and looked at the closed bathroom door and could hear the sound of the shower coming from the other side. He looked back at the phone before throwing it on the bed. He stood and left the room.

"Aww you're up" Pepe said when Cristiano stormed into the living room and straight towards the kitchen. "Wow wow take it easy" Nuno and Pepe both said when he began to open and slam the kitchen cabinets. "Cris" Nuno said pulling him away. "What's the matter?" Nuno asked. "Do you ever feel like you're just the biggest fool on the planet?" Cristiano asked. "Well normally you are the biggest fool" Nuno joked and Pepe shook his head at him.

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