Chapter 29- I Don't Care About Anything Else

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  "Hey babe" Irina smiled into phone screen. "Hey I was just on my way to the hospital" Cristiano replied. "But you are going to talk to me for a little bit since you haven't spoken to your girlfriend in day" she said. "I'm sorry. Things are crazy here. I'm trying to get back into the groove of training and being with Junior. They moved him into the children's ward yesterday" he said. "That's nice" Irina said.

"It's brilliant it means he's really improving if they don't have him in a separate room" Cristiano said. "I guess. How is Molly?" Irina asked and Cristiano choked on the water he had been drinking from. "Ahm she's good. I haven't seen much of her this week. We keep missing each other" he said. "Well she is there to see her son not you babe" Irina smiled. "Exactly" he replied and she proceeded to talk about her day ahead.

Cristiano started to think about how much he really hadn't seen Molly in the last few days. Like he had told Irina, they kept missing each other. She spent the mornings with Junior and then he spent the afternoons with their son. They didn't even get to see each other as one took over from the other. His entire family were taking it turns to be around the hospital also. In fact Nuno had volunteered to do the night shift which he did after a lot of persuading to stop Molly from doing it. But that was until the nurses decided that it was best if no one stayed with Junior at night. The following day they moved him into the children's ward.

"CRIS" Irina yelled and he jumped. "I'm listening" he said. "What did I just say then?" the model asked annoyed. "Oh crap there's paps heading towards the car. I better head into the hospital. I'll call you later" he said. "If you find that you have time for me" she said. "I do babe. I'm sorry. Everything will be much easier when Junior isn't in hospital which will hopefully be soon" he said. "Well I'll be back in Madrid hopefully by the time he comes home so I'll be there to help you" she smiled. "You don't have to rush back. I know that you are busy" he said. "Never too busy for you babe. Bye" she winked as the phone went blank.

He let out a groan will he really did see a pap heading towards his car and Cristiano pocketed his phone and quickly hopped out of the car and towards the hospital. "Óle Cris" Elma said when he was outside the children's ward. "Hey sis. Is Molly gone?" he asked even though he knew she was. "No she's just gone to the bathroom" Elma replied. "Really" he said surprised and Elma laughed.

"She'll be back in a minute. I guess she hasn't being around you enough this week to annoy you" she smiled. "We've being busy. Anyway seeing Junior is more important than the two of us talking. "Ya sure" Elma said not missing the huge smile that appeared on her brother's face when Molly came into his view.

"Hey Mols" Cristiano beamed walking towards her. "Hi" she mumbled. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Why do you think somethings wrong?" she asked moving around him but he caught her by the elbow. "Cos I know you and you've being crying. What's the matter? Is Junior ok?" he asked worried. "He's fine. He's being smiling all morning" she replied. "Then why the tears?" he asked stroking his thumb under her left eye.

"One of the other babies.....She went for a kidney operation but didn't make it" she said. "Oh. That's awful" he said. "She was only a little bigger than Junior" Molly said. "Come here" he said pulling her into a hug. "It's awful and I know that you feel guilt that part of you is glad that it isn't you child that has died but that reaction is perfectly normal Mols" he said as rested her head against his chest. "Why are you so could at reading my thoughts at times?" she mumbled.

"Part of my charm I guess" he said and she laughed a little. "Are you ok other than being upset about that little girl?" he asked. "Ya I guess. How are you? Glad to be back at training?" she asked pulling away from his grip. "Ya I guess it's good to be back. Will be better when Junior is home. Who knows we might actually get to speak" he smiled. "Anyone would think you've missed me Averio" she smirked.

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