Chapter 34- What Awaits?

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  A tug of his ear had Cristiano's eyes jumping open. There he found Nuno standing beside him. "Unless you want to be late for training then I would suggest you get you but in gear right now" Nuno whispered. "What time is it?" Cristiano asked. "Time that your alarm has already gone off in your room" Nuno said emphasing the your. Cristiano groaned at the thought of getting up. "You might want to move her slowly if you don't want her to wake" Nuno said and Cristiano turned his head to find Molly's nose inches from his mouth.

"Move Marcosa from the bed" Cristiano told Nuno as he carefully lifted his legs from where he had them stretched out on the bed. "He looks comfy" Nuno said noticing how the dog was laying on his back with his feet in the air. "Lucky him. Now move him" Cristiano said as he carefully moved his hands under Molly's legs and stood up before placing her on the now empty bed. "She's usually up before you. I'm surprised she's not awake" Nuno said as Cristiano placed the cover over her.

"She's tired more than she lets on" Cristiano said. "Could probably do with sleeping somewhere other than in a rocking chair then" Nuno said as he followed Cristiano out of Molly's room. "We fell asleep talking. She's afraid something will happen to him while she sleeps" Cristiano said. "Well I'm pretty sure if your girlfriend saw her asleep in your lap just now, then it would be you who would be afraid of something happening to him during sleep" Nuno said. "We fell asleep" Cristiano said. "Hey I'm just glad Molly is talking to you about stuff that's bothering her. But I'm just saying" Nuno said.

"I need to get ready for training" Cristiano said heading to his bedroom.

"He's so adorable" Ana said holding a giggly Junior in her lap. "I know" Molly said proudly as she placed two mugs onto the coffee table. "So how is it been back living here?" Ana asked passing Junior in his mother's arms. "I still haven't been able to walk into his nursey but I think having him sleeping in with me is making it easier to forget little by little what happened that night" Molly replied. "I'm sure it will get easier. Junior seems very happy" Ana said.

"He's settled back in at home really well. It's Cristiano and I that are having a bit of a hard time adjusting" Molly sighed. "What's he done now?" Ana asked rather annoyed as she had expected Cristiano to be better this time around. "Nothing. Why do you always think the worst of him?" Molly asked annoyed. "Cos of his history for one" Ana said.

"Well he hasn't done anything. He's being great. He was the one who suggested Junior sleep in my room. Had it all organised before Junior came home. And he's being trying to convince me that there's no need to worry anymore" Molly said. "There is no need to worry Molly" Ana said. "I'll eventually get that but it's going to take time. But got more sleep last night than the previous night so that's a start" Molly said.

"So apart from worrying over Junior. How has everything else been here?" Ana asked. "Good. I've been preoccupied with Junior. And Katia and the others leaving. Plus planning on the decorations for this place. It's being good" Molly said. "Good? Seriously that's all I'm going to get?" Ana asked. "I don't know what you were expecting" Molly said confused. "You're back living here" Ana said. "And? I've lived here before Ana" Molly said. "Yes but now you are Junior's mama to the entire World" Ana said. "And?" Molly asked. "You're back living with Cris" Ana said. "And Nuno and Dolores and who ever else comes to stay. I don't understand what you want me to say. We haven't fought. But well it's only been two days" Molly joked.

"So everyone is happy that you are back living here then?" Ana asked. "You'd have to ask them" Molly said. "And Irina?" Ana asked. "I haven't heard her name being mentioned in a while so I don't know" Molly shrugged. "I can't believe that she's happy you are living here again" Ana said. "I'm willing to bet that she doesn't know" Molly said. "Excuse me?" Ana asked. "I said that I'm willing to bet that she doesn't know. And that's got nothing to do with me. That's between her and her boyfriend" Molly said.

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