Chapter 42- Can Still Make Her Blush

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  "CRISTIANO" Irina yelled as she came towards the pool area and both Cristiano and Molly jumped back at her voice. Marcosa stood suddenly and as Cristiano moved away from Molly, he forgot about the dog and began to lose his balance. His arm went out and he tugged Molly with him into the pool. Irina and Dolores arrived into the pool area as both Molly and Cristiano returned to the top of the water.

Molly coughed as she wiped her wet hair away off her eyes as she tried to keep a float in the water. "What the hell happened?" Dolores asked with Junior in her arms as she nearer the pool. "Marcosa tripped me" Cristiano said waiting for a reaction from Molly as he moved his arms to keep afloat. "Cristiano" Irina said beside Dolores.

"I got your shoe" he said looking around him. "One sec" he told her and ducked down to the bottom of the pool where the shoe had been knocked into by one of them when they were falling into the water. "Here it is" he said once he reached the top and held the shoe in the air and Molly burst out into laughter. He looked at her and started to laugh too.

"Ronaldo" Irina yelled and his attention turned away from Molly and back to a very unhappy Irina beside his mother. "I think the shoe has come to an early end" he said fighting back laughter and Molly let out a loud bark of a laugh and Cristiano couldn't contain his laughter anymore. That is how Nuno found them, both laughing hysterically as he entered the pool area and came to stand by Dolores and Irina. "It's not funny. My shoe is ruined" Irina said.

"Why are you two in the pool?" Nuno asked Molly and Cristiano confused. "Ask him" Molly said pointing to Cristiano. "Hey it was Marcosa's fault" Cristiano said laughing. "This isn't funny. Stop laughing" Irina yelled and Junior screeched at her voice. "My shoe is ruined" Irina yelled. "And it can be replaced. It's only a shoe" Dolores said as she tried to comfort Junior. "An ugly one at that" Molly muttered and Irina glared at her in the water. "Babe I'll get you another pair" Cristiano said and Irina stomped her foot and stormed out of the pool area. "Jezz why do I miss all the fun?" Nuno smirked. "Oh ya been in here is great fun" Molly said. "Well I'm glad I'm not in Cris's shoes. Irina's pissed" Nuno said and Molly laughed. "Not in his shoe" she mumbled and Nuno laughed.

"It's not funny" Cristiano said laughing. "I still don't understand why you are both in there" Dolores said. "He tugged me in" Molly said jestering to Cristiano. "Hey I did stop you from falling moments before" he smirked. "Always catch you. Ha. How about not taking me down with you?" she asked. "You had to laugh?" he asked. "You laughed too. Plus it was funny. Shooting up the water with the shoe in your hand" she giggled and he laughed too. "Well now that the shoe has been found, maybe you two would like to get out of the water" Dolores said.

"Good idea Dolores" Molly smiled. "I'll start getting Junior ready for bed" Dolores said and she headed out of the pool area. "So all of this kiddish behaviour over a shoe?" Nuno asked and Molly and Cristiano looked at each other and smirked. Before Nuno knew it, they both had splashed him with the water and he yelled and jumped as the water covered him. "Hey" he shouted and the both laughed. "Ok ok. Jezz" he said.

"We could just pull you in?" Molly asked and Nuno took a step back from the edge. "Stupid shoe" Cristiano mumbled. "How did the shoe get in there?" Nuno asked. "Marcosa took her shoe. And here I thought Cristiano had gotten better at not going down too easily like he did in his United days" Molly smirked. "Why you little" he said grabbing her leg and pulling her towards him and proceeded to tickle her

Molly laughed as she tried to get his arms away from her. "Amm hello" Nuno said and they both looked up at him. "Ah yes good you still both know I'm here. As much as seeing you both like this is lovely giving the last time you were pushed into a pool. I brought back a take away which is getting cold" Nuno said.

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