Chapter 11- Needed You

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  "Where is he?" Molly cried as Jorge tried to calm her down. "Damn it. It just keeps ringing" Nuno said looking at Jorge. "This can't be happening" Molly cried. "I'll go get him. Everything will be ok Molly" Nuno said giving her arm a squeeze before glancing at the door they had being waiting to open. "Go find him now" Jorge said and Nuno ran off. The door opened and Eva the nurse who had being with Junior since he first arrived at the hospital.

"What's happening?" Molly asked. "The doctors are with him" she said in a reassuring voice. "He was struggling with the tube and machines..." Molly cried. "You should take her to the waiting room" Eva said to Jorge. "I'm not leaving him" Molly snapped. "Molly" he said. "No" she yelled. "Molly we have to take him for tests and scans" Eva said. "Scans" Molly gasped. "Why are you doing scans?" Molly asked. "Molly please go wait. The doctor will be able to tell you more" Eva said. "Tell me" Molly snapped. "We need to check that the tube didn't do any internal damage when he struggled" she said. "Oh God" Molly gasped.

"Answer you bastard" Nuno muttered as he waited for the elevator doors to open onto Cristiano's floor. Nuno got to the door and pulled out the spare key card. "Ronaldo" Nuno yelled as he opened the door. Nuno stormed into the room and stopped when he saw Cristiano asleep on the bed. With a half naked Irina snuggled up to him. Nuno picked up a towel that Cristiano had disguarded onto the floor. "Ronaldo" Nuno yelled wacking Cristiano with the towel.

"What the hell?" Cristiano yelled as he opened his eyes. "What the hell? The hell is what Molly just witnessed while you were here asleep" Nuno roared. "Molly? Witnessed? What?" Cristiano stammered sitting up in the bed as his eyes adjusted to the room. "If you answered your phone, then you would know that you are needed at the hospital" Nuno said. "What happened? Shit how did I miss these calls" Cristiano muttered as he saw all the missed calls on his phone. "Babe you need sleep" Irina mumbled beside him.

"What he needs is to get his ass back to the hospital before it's too late" Nuno snapped at the model. "Too late?" Cristiano asked a sicken feeling appearing in his stomach. "I don't know. The machines just went off. Or something. Molly wasn't in the right mind to tell me" Nuno said.

"Oh my God" Cristiano said as he pulled on his clothes in a hurry. "Babe" Irina said. "Follow or don't follow but I'm not waiting" Cristiano said as he stuffed his feet into a pair of shoes and headed to the door of the hotel room. "Shit. How did I miss the calls? I knew I shouldn't have left. Fuck it" Cristiano cursed as the elevator took Nuno and him down to the hotel lobby. "Well I hope you couple of minutes in heaven with your Russian was worth it" Nuno snapped as the elevator doors opened. "What? I fell asleep" Cristiano said following Nuno into the lobby. "I doubt it makes a difference" Nuno said.

"Where is Junior?" I ask Jorge who was waiting just inside the doors of the hospital. "The doctors told us to wait in the waiting room" the agent replied and took off in towards the room with Cristiano following him.

"What the hell happened?" Cristiano asked. "One minute we were talking and the next Molly was screaming his name and Junior was moving all around the bed and the machines were going off" Jorge said. "Is going to be ok isn't he?" Cristiano asked stopping. "The doctors told us to wait" Jorge replied. Cristiano rushed past Jorge and ran towards the waiting room.

"Molly" he called out as he came bursting through the doors. "Where the hell were you?" Dolores yelled at her son as his eyes landed on Molly. Molly sat with her head in her hands as Hugo wrapped his arms around her. "He fell asleep" Nuno said as he entered the room. "You fell asleep. You fell asleep while Molly can barely function because she's so scared for her son" Dolores yelled at her son.

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