Chapter 17-Say It

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  "Thank you for getting better" Molly said to Junior. She couldn't believe that her worse fear wasn't going to come true. "Maybe he is like me after all" Cristiano joked. "Cos he did what he was told and got better" she smiled at Cristiano and then laughed. "That sound is music to my ears" he grinned kissing her forehead.

"What sound?" she asked. "You laughing. And Junior squealing in delight. I don't know any other sound that could be better right now" he said. "Do you want to hold him?" Molly asked. "You hold him for a bit longer. I think our son wants a cuddle from his mama" Cristiano smiled. "Cristiano" she said as his words swirled around her head. Our son. His mama. She had never head those words. Never heard him say those words.

"Molly just hold you son and stop thinking" he smiled as his arm rested on the back of her neck. "I'll be outside if you need me" Eva mumbled and Cristiano nodded as Molly continued to smile down at the little boy in her arms. "I didn't think I would get to do this again" Molly whispered. "But you did. I can't wait to put this week behind us" Cristiano sighed as readjusted one of the wires attached to Junior.

"Papa was right for once Junior. He said that you would get better" Molly said smiling at Cristiano. "Thanks kiddo. I think your mama just admitted I was right about something for the first time" Cristiano joked. "You should hold him" Molly said. "He looks comfortable where he is" Cristiano said. "He's not going to beak Cristiano. You've waited as long as I have to hold him in your arms" she said. "I feel like I'm going to be holding him for the first ever time" Cristiano said nervously.

"I know it felt like that for me too. Now take your son" she said. "Stand up with him for a second" he said. "What?" she asked confused. "Just stand slowing please" he said. "Oh oh you're saying please again" she joked. "Molly" he said rolling his eyes at her. "Ok ok" she said and he helped her stand with Junior in her arms. "Ok take him" she said as he took her seat in the chair. "Sit" he said holding his hand out to her. "Seriously?" she asked. "Please" he grinned and she laughed.

"You papa is actually silly again Junior" she smiled down at the little boy before she carefully moved to sit on Cristiano's lap. "Now I think your son wants a cuddle" she said moving Junior into Cristiano's arm. Junior's head rested in the crook of his father's arm as Cristiano's other arm came around Molly's waist. "Now we all get a cuddle" Cristiano smiled.

"This all feels like a dream. I'm just waiting to wake up" Molly said as she rested her head on Cristiano's shoulder. "It's not a dream Molly. It's all real. Our son is happy, alive and with us" Cristiano said kissing her cheek. "Cristiano" she said lifting her head.

"Say it Molly" he said. "Say what?" she asked. "Say my son is happy. Say it Molly" he said. "Cristiano" she said. She knew if she said those words that it would kill her if she couldn't say them again. "Junior you want mama to say it. Don't you" Cristiano said looking down at his son. "Cristiano. Don't do that. Don't use him to get me to say it" she pleaded. "Why won't you say it?" he asked. "Because...." she said looking down at Junior.

"It's the truth Molly. It's always being the truth. And it shouldn't have taken this fucking horrible week of hell to make that" he said. "Cristiano" she said. "Stop thinking and just say it. Fuck what happens next. Just focus on the here and now" he said kissing her cheek. "Just say it Mols" he mumbled as he kissed her neck.

"My son is happy" she said quickly. "Jezz it took you long enough. Please don't take after your mama when it comes to stubbornness Junior or you'll both drive me insane" Cristiano joked. "You're already insane" Molly told him as she took Junior's hand in hers. "Isn't he Junior? Yes he is. See he even nodded in agreement with me" Molly smirked at Cristiano. "It takes one insane person to know another" he smirked back.

Our Crazy Little Thing Called Family-Sequel to Take Good Care of My BabyWhere stories live. Discover now