Chapter 80-To Take A Chance Or Not To Take A Chance

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  "I don't know what to say" Ana said sitting back in her chair. Molly had arrived at her house shortly before 12 with Junior and had just told her what had happened the previous day. "That's very unlike you" Molly said. "There's just so" she said. "Exactly. How do you think I feel?" Molly asked. "And do they think you are just going to forget that they have ignored you for months?" Ana asked and Molly looked at her friend.

"What?" Ana asked. "I actually thought you'd have started on at Cristiano" Molly said. "Ya let's leave that for a bit" Ana told her. "Wish it was that easy" Molly sighed. "You're angry" Ana said. "Of course I am. He lied to me" Molly snapped. "So let's focus on your parents then" Ana suggested. "He bloody lied to me for months Ana. You never miss a chance to yell at him or about him" Molly told her. "Ok fine you want to know what I think I'll tell you. What he did was unacceptable. He should have told you. And I get after everything why him lying to you hurts so much but Mols he paid for their rehab" Ana said.

"That doesn't mean I should forgive him. He lied to him. If I can't trust him, how can I...." Molly paused. "Be with him" Ana said and Molly brought her hand to her head. "In his own stupid thinking he thought he was doing the right thing" Ana said. "He wanted them out of the way so I wouldn't have them distracting me while he was trying to get me pregnant Ana. That's why he did it" Molly said.

"Have you asked him why?" Ana asked. "He didn't want me to hate him. That's the reason he gave for not telling me sooner" Molly said. "You need to talk to him Molly" Ana said. "I could barely stand to listen to what he had to say this morning. I need time. I...I told him things about my parents...about my life...and then he breaks my trust. I just can't get over that so quickly. "At least he was smart enough to go after you this morning" Ana said. "Shame he wasn't smart enough not to lie to me" Molly sighed.

"Mols" Ana said. "What else has he being lying to me about? How can I believe anything that he has told me after this? He didn't tell me about my parents because he just wanted me for my womb. Was everything he has told me the past few days been just a way to get me into bed?" Molly asked.

"Oh Mols" Ana said. "I don't want to talk about him anymore" Molly said. "Ok then we won't. So your parents" Ana said. "I......I told them that I would see them today. I got Jorge to tell them that I would meet them at their hotel in an hour. I was wondering if you would come with me" Molly asked. "Of course I will. There's a queue of people who would go with you Mols. We all care about you" Ana told her. "I should just tell them to go but.... oh what if Cristiano is right? What if they let me down?" Molly asked.

"Mols you saw them both for the first time since what you move to Madrid only yesterday. Just take each day as it comes. If they do then it's on them not on you. They don't deserve to have you as a daughter if they can't see that they can't hurt you anymore" Ana said. "You sound like Cristiano" Molly told her. "Well its true" Ana replied. "We'll see. I haven't the best relationship with them anyway. It's not like we are a close family in the first place" Molly said.

"You don't turn your back on family" Ana said. "Sometimes it's the best thing to do. Anyway I have to drop Junior across the road first. And Dolores is back so I have to deal with the fallout from yesterday still" Molly said. "It will be Cris who will get grief about that from her not you so don't worry" Ana told her. "I just wish things could be simple" Molly sighed.

"I can't believe you are seriously using the doorbell" Ana groaned as she stood beside Molly outside Cristiano's front door. "I don't live here" Molly reminded her and Ana rolled her eyes as the door opened. "Oh hey Mols. I was wondering who it was. Amm why didn't you use your key?" Nuno asked confused. "Cos I don't live here. Is Dolores here?" Molly asked. "Ya she's in the kitchen" he said stepping back to allow the ladies to enter the house. "So did Cris make it to training after I left this morning?" Nuno asked. "He left the apartment in once piece if that's what you are asking" Molly said as she pushed Junior's pram down the hall.

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