Chapter 54- Are You Or Aren't You?

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  Molly let out a yawn as she carried Junior down the stairs. The little boy had being awake for at least thirty minutes and was full of joy since the moment he had awoken and Molly and placed him beside her in the bed. But then he became restless and it had become clear to Molly that her son wanted his breakfast, alas forgoing Molly the chance to stay in bed a while longer.

"What should we do today Junior? Swimming?" Molly asked the baby who obviously didn't understand her and was too busy playing with his kermet the frog teddy bear. Marcosa came running towards Molly as she neared the living room. "Hello boy, what are you doing down here so early?" she asked bending down to rub his head. Marcosa normally stayed in her room or Cristiano's room. Usually when Irina wasn't in Madrid of course. When the dog hadn't followed Molly last night, she had assumed that he had stayed in his owner's room.

However, as Molly reached the living room she learnt the reason the dog hadn't slept upstairs with his owner. Since his owner was currently flat out asleep on the couch in the living room. Molly sighed and walked over to place Junior his walker before she walked towards the couch. "Cristiano" she said lowering herself down to his level. "Cristiano wake up" she said gently nudging him. His eyes opened slowly and he looked directly at her. "Mana" she smiled. "Mana" he smiled and closed his eyes.

Molly was just about to call his name again when he suddenly sat up. "Ahm how?Why?" he asked looking around and realised that he was on the couch and not in his bed. "I would ask if you spent the entire night down here but I think the answer is clear to see" Molly said standing up straight. "Seriously Cristiano falling asleep on the couch doesn't exactly prove that you are fine" she told him. "I'm-

"I swear if you say that you are fine I will strangle you" she warned. "Oh someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning" he joked as she headed towards the kitchen. "At least I got out of a bed" she replied. "I just closed my eyes for a second and the next thing you're waking me up" he said standing from the couch. "Go shower and get ready for training and I'll make you something to eat" she told him.

"Thanks Mols" he said as he bent down to say hello to Junior. Molly smiled as she watched the two of them together. "He's very chipper this morning" Molly told him. "Couldn't blame him. After all no more hospitals or medicine for him" he said. "Thank God" she sighed and he looked up at her. "Molly it's over. Let's just focus on moving forward" he told her. "We can try anyway. Right you mister go shower and get ready and I'll have breakfast ready for you" she told him. "I'm going" he told her rubbing his son's cheek before leaving the room.

"Oh so you remember where your bedroom is" Irina snapped the minute he opened his bedroom door. "I fell asleep" he told her. "Where? In Molly's room?" she asked as she threw a pair of jeans into her suitcase. "What no. Jezz Irina I've told you enough times that Molly and I are friends. God. I fell asleep on the couch" he said. "Where are you going?" she asked as he headed towards the bathroom. "I taking a shower, then eating my breakfast and going to training. Would you like a full detailed list of what I do?" he asked. "Oh bite me" she snapped and he slammed the door shut.

"What are you looking for?" Cristiano asked Irina ten minutes later as he watched her search one of the bedside tables. "A key chain for my mother. I bought it the other day. I need to find it" she said. "A key chain?" he asked. "It cost me €5,000 and I want to give it to her tonight when I see her in London. Remember I leave for a few days" she told him. "I'll help you look" he sighed. "You wouldn't see it if it was right in front of you" she snapped. "I was only offering to help" he said. "Maybe Molly can find it" Irina said moving towards the door. "Molly" Cristiano said amazed that Irina had even suggested Molly help her but Irina was already out of the room.

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