Chapter 28- Do You Think We Made A Mistake?

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  "I swear he listens to you better than anyone at times" Jorge said as the door shut behind him. "Who?" Molly asked. "Cris. He told me that you told him to go home and get some rest" Jorge said pulling up a chair. "He does need the rest. And let's hope he listens when I suggest he goes back to training" Molly said.

"Ya that might prove a little more difficult" Jorge said. "I'm up to the task" she smirked at him and he laughed. "You sure are. It's nice to see you with a smile on your face" he said. "It's nice to have a reason to smile" Molly said and looked at him to find he had a huge smile on his face. "What?" she asked. "I'm just glad that...that everything worked out" he replied. "Even though it wasn't what he planned in the first place?" Molly asked. "Even that" he smiled.

"Do you think....." she paused. "Think what?" he asked. "Do you think we are making a mistake?" she asked. "Do you?" he asked. "I asked you first" she said and he laughed. "Cris may have a point about you being annoying" he said. "He's one to talk" she scoffed. "Do I think you both are making a mistake? The answer is no. But it's not my opinion that matters. If my opinion mattered then none of this would have ever happened in the first place" Jorge said.

"We can't change any of it though" she shrugged. "What about you?" he asked. "Huh" she said. "Do you think it's a mistake? You and Cris being his parents" he asked. She looked down at Junior. "I think we are going to give it a good go" she replied. "I think you might just surprise yourselves. This week may be a blessing in the long run" he said. "I wouldn't go quite that far Jorge" Molly said. "You've always being his mother. Even Cris knew that deep down" Jorge said.

"I just want him out of here but I don't know what awaits. The press, work, who cares for Junior when. There's too much still to be worked out" Molly said. "And you can work them all out when the times comes. For now just enjoy time with your son" he said. "Thanks Jorge" she said. "For what?" he asked. "For always being there. For not just thinking about Cristiano especially considering he's your client and more or less family" she said. "Well you're family too" he said and she smiled at him. "Plus you're easy to work with. Even if you are bossy" he smirked. "Hey" she said and he laughed.

"That bossy attitude comes in handy" he said. "Well let's hope Cristiano listens when I tell him to go back to work" she said.

"Cris" Dolores said softly as she gentle shook her son's shoulder. "Cris" she said again and he jumped awake. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. But you said you only want a couple of hours sleep and then to get back to the hospital" she said. "Ok ok" he said laying back down on the bed. "Thanks" he said. "How are you?" she asked. "Tired. Angry. Annoyed" he said.

"Angry?" she asked. "Angry that this week happened. That I hired that nanny when Molly should have being the one with him. Angry that it took my son nearly dying for.....well for things to...- "Be right" Dolores finished and he nodded.

"The World knowing who Molly really is makes things right" she said. "I guess" he shrugged. "Go take a shower. I'll get you something to eat and then we will go see my grandbaby" she told him patting his cheek. "Ok" he sighed. "Everything is going to be alright Cristiano" Dolores told him. "You sound so sure" he mumbled. "I've seen you with Molly and Junior" she told him. "Everything is ok with Junior. That's why we are good" he told her. "I wasn't just referring to after Junior was given the all clear son" she said patting his cheek.

Cristiano was walking out of the bathroom after his shower when Irina came storming into the room and flung her shopping bags onto the bed. "Everything ok?" he asked as he strolled to the dresser to find a pair of boxer shorts. "It would be if those damn paps could keep their mouths shut. I swear they did nothing but ask me how is Junior Irina? Did you know about his mama? Honestly" she groaned. "I'm sorry. I know this hasn't been easy for you" Cristiano said.

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