Chapter 53- Maybe Its The Company

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  "Babe, babe" Irina said loudly as she shook Cristiano. "What?" he groaned not wanting to open his eyes. "Wake up" she said shaking him. He turned to face her and slowly opened his eyes. "What?" he asked. "It's my birthday" she smiled. "Happy birthday" he mumbled closing his eyes again. "Cristiano" she yelled and his eyes flew open. "What?" he asked. "Can you say something other than what?" she asked.

"What do you want me to say?" he asked slowly sitting up in the bed. He looked at the clock on his bedside table and groaned knowing he had to get up soon. "You could wish me happy birthday like you mean it" she pouted and he sighed. "I'm just not awake yet babe. I'm sorry. Happy birthday" he smiled leaning over to kiss her cheek. "Oh I can't wait for today and to enjoy it with you and my friends" she said. "I'm sure you'll enjoy our dinner tonight" he said. "You could meet Ali and Becca and I for lunch" she said.

"Junior has his doctor's appointment" he told her. "So. Molly is going. You don't have to be there" she said crossing her arms. "I want to be there. Look your agent and Becca are coming to Madrid to talk work and celebrate your birthday with you. I don't want to get in the way. Plus we will have tonight" he told her. "At the restaurant I wanted?" she asked. "At the restaurant you wanted. At the time you wanted. At the table you wanted and with the menu you wanted" he told her. "Perfect" she smiled. "Is should get up" he said. "What about my present?" she asked as he rubbed his head. "You did get me a present?" she asked. "Of course I did" he said standing. He walked over to one of his drawers and pulled out a black box and envelope. "Happy birthday" he said holding it out to her.

She snapped the box from his hands and opened it and squealed in delight. "Yes you got them" she beamed wrapping her arms around his neck. "You said enough times that you wanted them" he shrugged as she the earrings to her ears. "Open the envelope" he told her and she proceeded to open it. "What is it?" she asked confused as she held plane tickets in her hand.

"Your mother mentioned how she would like to visit Australia some day so I thought you and her could take a mother daughter trip" he told her. "A 24 hour flight with my mother are you trying to kill me? Babe she didn't mean that. It's just something she always says but never means" Irina said. "Well I just thought it would something nice for you and her to do" he sighed. "Maybe I can exchange the tickets" she said. "Ya maybe. I should go get dressed" he said and left her in the bedroom.

"Mana Cris" Nuno smiled as his cousin walked into the kitchen. "Hi" Cristiano said through a yawn. "Good night sleep?" Nuno asked. "Fine. Hola Junior" Cristiano said as he walked over to place a kiss on his son's head as he sat on Dolores's lap. "Morning Cris" Dolores smiled up at her son. "Mana Maé" Cristiano smiled taking a seat beside her.

"You look tired" she told him. "Jezz thanks. Good to know you think I look rough" he said. "Cristiano" she said. "Good morning" Irina said as she came into the room. "Good morning Irina. Coffee?" Nuno asked. "Oh yes please. And I think I'll treat myself to something nice for breakfast too" she said. "You might as well since it's your birthday" Cristiano told her. "Why don't I make you an omelet then Irina? Oh and happy birthday" Nuno said. "No mushrooms and just a little ham Nuno" she said. "Ahm sure" Nuno said.

"Where's Molly?" Cristiano asked as he took a drink of his protein shake. "Upstairs" Dolores said. "She's usually down by now" he said. "Jezz she doesn't have to be boring all the time and do the same thing ever day" Irina said as she took a seat across the table. "I think she has stuff on her mind" Dolores said ignoring Irina. Cristiano searched his pockets and groaned. "I left my phone in my room. I better get it" he said standing.

"Here you go Irina" Nuno said placing a plate in front of her. "Did you use organic eggs?" she asked. "Yes" he lied knowing she wasn't going to notice the difference as Cristiano left the room.
He headed towards Molly's room but stopped at the door to Junior's nursery. He leaned against the open doorway as he watched Molly stand by the cot. He knocked gently on the door but she didn't react.

"You know he doesn't have to move back in here anytime soon" Cristiano said from the door and Molly's head flipped up from the cot to the door. "I did knock" he said. "Did you?" she asked as she wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. "Yes I did but you were on a different planet to hear. Are you ok?" he asked stepping further into the room. "I'm fine" she said.

"Well the tears tell me otherwise. Mols I didn't mean to bring everything up again by redecorating the room I just thought I don't know what I thought" he shrugged. "The room is lovely Cristiano really I love it. the cream walls are lovely and the tiger and giraffe paintings are gorgeous" she said. "You're not just saying that?" he asked standing beside her at the cot. "I mean it. I know it's not a complete gutting of the room but that would be a total waste-

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