Chapter 20- Confession Time

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  "Molly it's ok. It's ok. Just take a deep breathe in and let it out. It's all going to be ok" Ana said as she rubbed Molly's arms. Molly hadn't stopped crying and Ana was beginning to get really worried. "Molly please there's no need to cry. I don't hate you. I promise I don't hate you" Ana said.

"You don't know the truth" Molly mumbled between sobs. "Then tell me. But I promise I won't hate you" Ana said. "You don't know that" Molly said. "Well then tell me and then I'll be able to decide" Ana said. "I don't know where to start. I don't...." Molly stammered. "Well then don't start. You don't need tell me right now. If at all" Ana said.

"I'm a horrible person" Molly mumbled. "Hey hey look at me. You are not a horrible person. Do you want me to phone Cris?" Ana asked. "From the way you've being acting towards him, I would have thought he would be the last person you would want" Molly said.

"I hate him from taking advantage of you. For putting you through all of this. He's made you miserable these last few months and he's barely noticed" Ana said. "That's not true" Molly said. "Yes it is" Ana said. "It's not. He has noticed. And he had always apologised. Even when I don't want to hear it from him. We've fought so many times. I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of a lot of things" Molly said.

"But not of Junior" Ana said. "Of course not" Molly said. "So you're not a horrible person then" Ana said. "If only it was that simple" Molly sighed. "Was it meant to be simple? From the start?" Ana asked. "It was meant to. Really it was just plain ridiculous. Then again it was Cristiano's idea so it would only seem right that it would be ridiculous" Molly said.

"I knew it. I knew he was the one who made you give up Junior" Ana said. "Ana stop. He didn't. He didn't. He was only following the plan" Molly snapped. "What plan? Look Molly I know this is hard for you. And since you've had to keep this all such a secret then you've obvious not ever spoken about it. So if you want to then my ears are open" Ana said. "I'm not good at talking" Molly said.

"Ronaldo would probably say you do nothing but talk" Ana joked trying to lighten the mood. "Yet when I won't talk to him he hates it too" Molly sighed. "I wouldn't really blame you not talking to him" Ana said. "You might find it surprising but I actually end up talking to him about things I would never ever ever talk to anyone else about" Molly said. "Really?" Ana asked.

"I guess he bugs me or pisses me off enough to make me snap and talk to him maybe" Molly shrugged. "Or maybe it's easier to talk to the person who has being the cause of all this mess in the first place" Ana said. "Ana stop please" Molly said. "I just can't believe after he made you lie about who are that you can even be around him" Ana said. "Ana" Molly said.

"And even if you had really only just being Junior's nanny. The way he has treated you since he was born. Letting Irina interfere. I just don't know why or how you actually be around him" Ana said.

"He's made mistakes. We all have" Molly said. "I just don't the way he used you" Ana said. "We've had many screaming matches about that point" Molly said. "Good. I glad. Jezz no wonder you've always being so miserable after fights with him. You've had so much to deal with" Ana said.

"If I tell you the entire truth then you have to promise me something" Molly said. "I won't tell anyone Molly. And you don't have to tell me" Ana said. "When I tell you everything you can' much as you probably will since you already do..." Molly stammered. "I won't hate you" Ana said.

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