Chapter 62- Less Complicated Soon?

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  "This is so wrong" Molly muttered as she moved to cross her legs under her on the bed later that afternoon. "You're winning. How is that bloody wrong in your mind? I know it is in mine but" he groaned as he threw his cards on the bed. "Oh no that's all right. After all it's so right me beating your ass in poker" she smirked and he rolled his eyes.

"I meant us gambling in front of Junior" she nodded to the baby sitting in his father's lap. "He doesn't know what we are doing Mols" he said as she shuffled the cards in her hands. "I know but...well it still feels like I'm being a bad mother" she mumbled and he covered her hands with his and she looked up at him. "You are nor could ever be a bad mother Molly" he told her and she smiled at him. "You know normally I would say it's the fever talking but since you have no more fever I guess you might be right" she said.

"I may get some things wrong Mols" he said and she raised an eyebrow at him. "Ok a lot of things" he conceded. "But I know I am nor will ever be wrong about you being a good mother to our son" he said. "You know sometimes you say things that just make me want to hug you" she smiled at him. He held his arm out as Junior played with his rattle "I'd never refuse a hug from you" he smiled. "Mmm nah" she said shaking her head. "Aw come on you can't get my hopes up and not follow through" he pouted and she laughed. "Junior tell Mama to give Papa a hug" he said to their son and she laughed again.

"You are a muppet" she said moving to his side and he wrapped his free arm around her shoulder and she rested her head on his shoulder. "But I'm your muppet" he said placing a kiss on the top of her head. Junior began crawling up his father's stomach and Molly laughed as she played with his tiny fingers. "Junior wants a cuddle too" he laughed. "He'll be walking and talking before we know it" she said. "A new chapter to enjoy together" he said. "Are you hungry?" she asked. "Not in any rush to eat" he said closing his eyes. "You should rest" she told him and he opened his eyes to look at her.

"My eyes were closed cos I'm happy not cos I'm tired" he said. "You've gotten much better these past few hours" she smiled at him. "Maybe" he shrugged. "Why maybe? Does your head hurt? Are you feeling sick?" she asked sitting up and he frowned when she moved. "Molly stop fussing" he said. "Don't tell me what to do. Now answer me" she told him. "I feel ok. Happy" he said. "Ok that's all?" she asked. "I just don't want to rush going back you know" he said.

"I think it's time to take your temperature again" she said moving to pick the thermometer from the bedside table and he groaned. "Oh stop it was normal the last time we checked. I'm just being careful" she told him and her phone began to ring. "I spoke to Dolores and your sisters already. I wonder who that is" she mused as she got off the bed and went in search of her phone.

"Hola Sergio" she smiled once she answered the phone and Cristiano scoffed from the bed. "Sure I'll be down in a sec" she told him hanging the phone up. "You have some visitors apparently" she said placing her phone back down on the dresser. "Ramos?" he asked. "And a few others. You put that in your mouth while I go leave them in" she said handing him the thermometer. "Fine" he mumbled. "I thought you'd be dying to see someone other than me" she smiled taking Junior from his lap.

"You make it sound like I could be bored having you around" he said. "You'll be glad not to be stuck with me for hours when you get back to training" she joked heading towards the door. "Don't think so" he sighed before putting the thermometer into his mouth.

"We'll isn't this a nice surprise" she smiled once she opened the front door. "Thought you'd be bored of Ronnie" Iker said stepping into the house. ""Plus we had to check that you hadn't killed him since Pepe and Sergio were here" Marcelo said hugging her. "They were here like two days ago" she said. "Exactly plenty of time for the idiot to upset you or piss you off" Sergio said kissing her cheek. "He doesn't upset her" Pepe snapped as he shut the door behind him. "Not on purpose anyway. You know that right?" he asked Molly and she nodded.

"He's actually being really good this whole time he's being sick. I thought he'd be a nightmare since he's missing training but for some reason he's being pretty good. Bit stubborn and annoying but well that's nothing new" she joked and they laughed. "So can we see him?" Marcelo asked. "Well I guess it's more fun to watch you lot rub it in his face that you won without him than me doing it" she joked and began walking down the hall.

"So is he better?" Iker asked as Marcelo took Junior from Molly who smiled. "No temperature or fever since yesterday so way better" Molly said as they followed her towards the stairs. "When will he be back to training?" Sergio asked. "Aww are you missing him?" Molly smirked. "Forgot he was even meant to be there" Sergio said and Molly frowned. "He's kidding Molly. We could use him back though. Remind some players how to train" Iker said. "He is dedicated to his training" Molly said as Iker smacked Sergio on the back of his head as the followed her up the stairs. "Stop being an ass" Iker whispered to him. "Still in yours?" Pepe asked her. "My TV remote is easier for him to work. You know how tricky things confuse him" Molly joked as they walked towards her room.

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