Chapter 43- Just Stay Safe

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  "What are you doing?" Cristiano asked and Molly jumped at the sudden sound of his voice. "Sorry I thought you heard me leave my room" he said as he neared her. "Finishing the packing for the trip" she replied as she stared into Junior's nursery. "Doesn't packing usually involve actually packing stuff?" he asked as her eyes remained on the room which laid beyond the open door. "I need things for Junior" she replied. "And?" he asked.

"I haven't....not since...I haven't being...." she stuttered and he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into his side. "You haven't being in there since that night" he said and she nodded her head. "I know it's silly" she said. "Hey look at me" he said and she lifted her head. "It's not silly. You saw...what you saw that shouldn't have...." he stuttered. "I get it" she said.

"No you don't. Urgh I know what I want to say it's just I can't form the words. God Molly that night was something no person especially a mother should ever have to go through. It's not silly to be upset about stepping into the room" he told her. "I just feel stupid every time I ask Dolores or whoever to get me some of his stuff in this room. It's just a room" she said. "I'll go in with you. If you want to try?" he asked.

"I know I can't avoid it forever. Like you said he's not going to be sleeping in my room for the rest of his life" she said. "There's no rush to put him in a room on his own Mols. Whenever you think is best" he told her. "He's your son. You have a say in things too" she told him. "Somethings are probably best decided by you. After all Mama knows best" he smiled. "Yet mama can't bring herself to take two steps forward and into a silly bedroom" she mumbled. "I can carry you in if you would like?" he asked and she started to laugh. "Muppet" she giggled.

"What do you say? Ladies first or follow me in?" he asked. "Ladies first" she said. "I'm a gentleman so of course" he smiled. "Plus you might have to push me in" she said and she prepared herself to step forward. He lifted his arm off her shoulder and took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze. "I'm right here" he whispered and she stepped forward. And took another step and another until they were both in the nursery.

Molly stared at the cot in the room and a shiver ran down her back. "It's ok. He's ok Mols" Cristiano whispered. "I know. I just..." she paused. "Let's just get what you need and stay away from the cot" he said and she nodded. "Ya you're right. I should have done this earlier but I had a million other things to do. Your mother won't be happy if I delay us getting to the airport" she said as she moved to open the drawers. "I'm sure you won't. "You looking forward to going?" he asked as she handed him clothes. "It will be nice to get away from here I guess after everything. Say goodbye to this year and hope for a good one in the next" she said.

"I'll be in Madeira for New Year's I promise" he told her. "It's up to you what you do Cristiano" she shrugged. "Molly..." he said. "I think that's everything" she said shutting the drawers closed. "Molly" Andrade called out and arrived at the door. "Hey there you are" he said. "Just finishing packing" she told him. "Sergio is downstairs. He wanted to say goodbye before he left for Seville" Andrade told her and Cristiano rolled his eyes. "Oh good I can give him his cookies. I hope he doesn't eat them all before he leaves the house like Pepe did last night. Ana was not happy" she laughed. Ana and Pepe had stopped by before they had gotten a flight back to Portugal for the holidays.

Cristiano had watched as Molly laughed and joked with Ana, all while trying to make sure Irina didn't say anything she shouldn't. "Well they were delicious" Andrade grinned. "And I'll make you plenty more in Madeira" Molly smiled. "At least you have nothing to tempt you in Dubai Cris" Andrade joked. "Huh?" Cristiano asked. "Molly's baking. She can't tempt you with the cakes" Andrade said. "Oh ya right" Cristiano said. "Can you leave these on my bed while we go see Sergio please Andrade?" Molly asked. "No problem" he said taking the clothes from Molly. "You coming?" she asked Cristiano. "Yup" he replied as she left the room. "Not that he's here to see me" Cristiano muttered.

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