Chapter 57- Going Nowhere

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  "It's not funny" Molly said crossing her arms in front of her and Cristiano laughed in the bath. She had just finished telling him how much bother she had in getting into the training ground. "Like she accused me of photo shopping the picture I showed her. Why the hell would I do that?" Molly asked still annoyed about the incident.

"You'd be surprised what some people would do to get close to me Mols" he smirked. "Ya ya you're so popular. Millions adore you. Guys want to be you. Girls want to be with you blah blah blah" Molly said. "Can't help it that I'm so desirable" he smirked. "Has your ego always being this big or just since you somehow fooled everyone into thinking you are great at football?" Molly asked and he turned his head to look at where she sat on the countertop. "I haven't fooled anyone. I am the best. I've –

"Worked hard to get where you are. Yes Cristiano I know. I'm just messing with" she said and he turned his head away from her. "I see everyday how much you give to be the best. And you are the best" she told him. "Thank you" he smiled at her. "Though I know nothing about football so not sure if my opinion matters or whatever" she shrugged. "It matters more than most Mols" he smiled at her. "Well my opinion right now is that it's time for you to get out of that bath before your skin goes all wrinkly and you have to spend a fortune on Botox" she said hopping down to the ground.

"Though I'm sure you Botox doc would be happy to drop everything and come running. You do pay him enough. Not sure it's money well spent though" she joked and let out a squeal when she felt water hit her face. "Hey" she yelled at a smirking Cristiano in the bath. "I have never nor will ever need a Botox doctor Molly Williams" he said sternly. "Ohoh you used my full name. Did I hit a nerve?" she asked. "I'm too tired for this right now" he grumbled looking away from her. "I'm sorry. I'm just messing with you Cristiano. I know you've never had Botox" she said walking towards the bath. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have thrown the water at you. It's just...." he sighed. "Even the great Cristiano Ronaldo can be sensitive sometimes" she smiled. "You are so annoying" he groaned.

"You've got a fever. You don't know what you are saying" she smirked. "Ha you wish it was that" he said. "Actually you did say some pretty weird stuff according to Pepe and the doctor" Molly said moving to the door. "Like what?" he asked. "Another time. Right now I'm going to get you a clean set of clothes. Do not move from that bath" she told him as she left the room. She headed to his room and grabbed him some fresh clothes before heading back to her bathroom. "What did I tell you" she yelled once she got to the doorframe and found him sitting on the edge of the bath with a towel around his waist.

"You said not to move from the bath. Technically I'm sitting on it" he said. "Technically I might not kill you until this evening. Seriously you need to be careful Cristiano. The last thing we need is for you to fall and hit your head" she said walking up to him. "I'm sorry" he said placing an arm around her waist and rested his head against her hip. "You're just saying that to shut me up. And you're lucky that I've got too much to do so I'm going to let you off. Here's your clothes. Since you managed getting out of the bath ok, I'm going to assume you'll be ok getting these on. Just be careful" she said handing him the clothes. "Thanks Mols" he smiled. "Right I'll go finish making my bed then I'll make a start on yours. Shout if you need anything" she said taking a step forward only to be pulled back by his grip on her waist. "Ahm Ronaldo" she said. "Just a few minutes" he sighed shutting his eyes. She ran her fingers threw his hair.

"You know it doesn't make you any less of a man to admit that you are sick Cristiano" she said. "But I'm not sick. I'm just not feeling 100%" he said. "If anything it would be the amount of beauty products you use which would make you less of a man" she smirked. "One I don't use a lot of beauty products. Two it's perfectly acceptable to look after your skin" he said lifting his head of her hip and letting his arm fall off her waist. "And three you are certainly spending too much time with me. You're starting to talk like me" she joked.

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