Chapter 48- Happy New Year

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  "Have you thought of an outfit for tomorrow night Molly?" Dolores asked as she took a seat across the table from Molly. "Not yet. Anyway it's your birthday. It doesn't matter what I end up wearing" Molly smiled at the older woman. "Another year older" Dolores sighed. "And you've got all your family around you" Cristiano said as he pulled the seat next to Molly out. "Plus you've got a brand new outfit in your wardrobe and is going to be the center of attention. What's not great about that?" Molly smiled.

"Says the woman who just loved being the center of attention" Cristiano smiled at Molly. "Ya well you like it enough for the pair of us" she replied looking over her shoulder as she held a spoon in front of Junior who was sat in his high chair. "Are you sure you want to have the party here though Maé?" Cristiano asked as he poured juice into a glass. "It's not a party. It's a gathering of friends. And yes I want to be here" Dolores said as Cristiano placed the glass in front of Molly's plate. "Katia has everything under control apparently" Molly told Cristiano as she wiped Junior's mouth. "That's what scares me" Cristiano muttered. "Don't worry your house won't get trashed" Molly said as she took a slice of toast from the plate in the middle of the table.

"Not unless you annoy us" Molly smirked at Cristiano who rolled his eyes as he moved to pick up the local newspaper. It was the day before New Year's Eve and they only had a couple of more days left on the Island before they had to get back to Madrid and back to normal.

The past few days had been quite and drama free. Cristiano had enjoyed spending time with his nephews and nieces. And most importantly his son. He had organised a boat trip the previous day and the entire family never stopped smiling or laughing the entire day. Even Molly who had not hidden her dread at been out in the middle of the ocean on a boat. Not that she was afraid of boats or water. But he had known she was worried about taking Junior so far out from sea. But he had persuaded her to go and she had loved every minute of it. He smiled as his eyes scanned the paper. He remembered how quickly she had jumped from her seat when he had told her there was a dolphin swimming beside the boat. She was as giggly as Alicia and Eleanor.

"The fireworks will be amazing" Dolores said. "There's fireworks?" Molly asked looking up at Dolores. "It's New Year's Eve" Dolores smiled. "Oh goody" Molly smiled and Cristiano laughed. "What's so funny?" Dolores asked her son. "Why is it when I act like a giddy child I get called an idiot but when Molly acts like a giddy child she gets called cute?" Cristiano asked peaking over his newspaper. "She never called me cute" Molly said. "Though you are" Dolores smiled at her. "Of course she is. I'm just saying..." he said. "When you act like a giddy child we'll call you cute. Happy?" Molly asked and he rolled his eyes. Dolores smiled at them as Molly spread some butter on the toast and handed it to Cristiano. "And your usually an idiot cos of the childish stupid things you do not cos you act like a giddy child" Molly said as she took another slice of toast for herself. "Whatever" he said sticking his tongue out at her.

"Ronaldo" Dolores scorned as Molly shook her head at the toast on his tongue. "Now you're acting like a silly child" Molly pointed out. "Am I a silly child Junior?" Cristiano said looking at Junior. "Yes you are" Molly said. "How silly?" he asked as he moved his hands to her waist and began to tickle her. "Stop. Stop" she laughed as Hugo entered the kitchen. "I see Junior is the grown up again" Hugo said as he took a seat next to his mother. "Good morning Hugo" Molly smiled. "Good morning Molly. Looking forward to the big party tomorrow night?" Hugo asked as he beat Cristiano to the last slice of toast. "It's not a party" Dolores, Cristiano and Molly said together. "Ok" Hugo said looking at them oddly.

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