Chapter 67- Don't Know What To Believe

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  "Molly slow down" Nuno called out as he ran after her down the driveway of Cristiano's house. "Open the damn gate Nuno" she snapped once she reached the closed gate. "Mols" he said. "Now" she yelled as she tried to sooth her son who was still crying. "It's ok my baby. Everything will be ok" she said kissing head.

"Molly he's not going to forgive her" Nuno said as he opened the gate by using his phone. "He just stood there" she snapped as the gate opened a little and she stepped through the opening. He had heard everything and he had said nothing. He had just stood there Molly thought as she walked across the road.

"Molly slow down" Nuno told her. "Do not tell me what to do" she snapped. "At least be careful. I don't need you getting knocked down" he said as they walked across the quiet street. "Why not? It would solve a lot of problems" Molly said. "Mols" he said. Junior finally settled as they walked through the open gate at Pepe's house. When the reached the front door, Molly pressed the doorbell over and over again.

"Alright alright. I'm coming" they could hear Pepe say before the door opened. "Molly" he said surprised. "What's wrong?" he asked the moment he say her face properly. "There's been a little incident" Nuno said. "A little incident. She took my child Nuno" Molly yelled at Nuno. "Come inside" Pepe said ushering them through the door. "Things got a bit tense over the road" Nuno said. "She's lucky she's not leaving in a body bag" Molly snapped as she ran her hand up and down Junior's back.

"What the hell happened?" Pepe asked as he ushered them towards the kitchen. "Let's calm her down first then I'll explain everything" Nuno told Pepe. "Don't tell me to calm down Nuno" Molly snapped and Ana stood from her seat at the kitchen table when she heard Molly. "Mols what's the matter?" Ana asked rushing towards her. "Gosh Mols you're shaking" Ana said. "He's telling me to calm down when....." Molly stuttered as she held Junior close to her.

"Nuno what the hell happened?" Ana asked the man. "How am I to be calm when that witch is over there?" Molly said pointing her finger in the direction of Cristiano's house. "Getting inside his head and twisting everything...He sends me over here while she worms her way out things like always. He sends me away" Molly snapped.

"Mols, Mols" Ana said placing both hands on Molly's shoulders. "Look at me. Take a deep breath ok" Ana told her friend. "Don't tell me to calm down" Molly said. "I won't just breathe ok" Ana said. "Nuno what the hell happened? Where's Cris?" Pepe asked and Molly let out a snort of a laugh. "Putting her before everyone else. Where else do you think he would be?" Molly said with pure hate. "Molly that's not true" Nuno told her.

"He told me to leave Nuno" Molly said. "He told you to leave" Ana said in shock. "He didn't mean leave as in leave the house for good Ana. He just asked for me to bring Junior and Molly over here that's all" Nuno explained. "Might as well be the same thing Nuno if he forgives that woman. I mean it Nuno. If he even thinks about forgiving her after everything she has done this time I won't just leave that house. I leave the country and take Junior with me" Molly warned. "And there are plenty of people who will help her too Nuno" Ana said.

"Hey I'm not the bad guy here. No need to be warning me" Nuno said. "We all know who the bad guy in all of this is" Ana said. "Come sit Mols" she said encouraging Molly towards a chair. "He's not a bad guy Ana" Pepe said and Ana glared at her boyfriend. "Pepe is right. Look Mols, Cris didn't send you over here cos he's picking her over you" Nuno said taking a seat opposite the chair Molly had since occupied.

"It's Junior he's putting second not me. That's all that's important" Molly said. "Ya ya we know. It's Junior not you" Nuno said rolling his eyes and Pepe let out a small laugh. "Not the right time Nuno" Ana said and Molly looked between them all in confusion.
"What I'm trying to say Mols is that he just wanted to talk to Irina that's all" Nuno told Molly. "She doesn't deserve him wasting his breath on her Nuno. Not after today" Molly snapped. "Ok can someone please tell us what the hell happened over in that house?" Ana asked.

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