Chapter 49- Nothing Happened So There's Nothing To Talk About

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  Cristiano rested his head against the door. He couldn't believe what had happened. He couldn't believe things had gone so wrong. "Babe" he heard and turned his head to find Irina coming down the hall towards him. "You missed the countdown" she said. "Did I?" he asked. "What are you doing up here?" she asked glancing at the door. The door she knew who was sleeping behind it.

"Checking on Junior" he said moving away from the door. "And she is where?" she asked. "Molly is checking on the other kids" he said heading towards his room. "She is always here" Irina snapped following him. "She has a name. And she's the mother of my son" he said. "Like I'm can forget when everyone reminds me. All the paps" she said. "I can't change the fact that she's his mother" he said opening his bedroom door. "You can tell her to live her own life and stay out of yours" Irina said. "I'm not in the mood for a fight Irina" he said.

"What are you doing?" she asked. "I'm going to bed" he replied unbuttoning his shirt. "But it's still early" Irina said. "I have a headache" he replied. "So you're just going to leave me. Again" she snapped. "Irina" he said. "You leave me downstairs with a bunch of strangers and don't even wish me a happy New Year. Why did I come here again?" she asked. "I left you my family, happy new year and you chose to come here" he sighed. "We shouldn't be sleeping in here. This isn't the master bedroom. She should be in here" Irina said.

"I wasn't meant to be here remember" he said. "Oh how could I forget the fact that you abandoned me in Dubai" she yelled. "Keep your voice down" he said. "Afraid your slut will come in" Irina said. "Irina I know you are angry with me for leaving Dubai but don't speak about Molly like that" Cristiano said. "I need a drink" she said and stormed out of the room. Cristiano took a seat on the bed and laid out on his back. "Fuck" he said as he thought about what had happened in a room which was only a few steps away.

"Mana" Dolores smiled at her son as Cristiano took a seat at the kitchen table. "Hi" he mumbled as Irina took a seat next to him. "How is your head?" Dolores asked. "Huh?" he asked. "You sloped off early last night. Irina said you had a headache" Dolores said. "I did. It's fine now" he said letting out a yawn. "Babe coffee" Irina wined. "Sure" he said standing and moving to make some coffee.

"Nana" Rodrigo screeched as Katia with Dinis in her arms and Zé entered the room. "Oh good everyone is up" Katia said. "And they didn't even have you to pull them out of the bed" Zé groaned as he came around to where Cristiano stood. "You ok?" Zé asked Cristiano. "Why wouldn't I be?" Cristiano asked. "Oh nothing. Just that you look like you're a million miles away. Oh that and you just out gravy into the coffee pot" Zé said nodding to the gravy tin in Cristiano's hand.

"Shit" Cristiano said. "What's the matter?" Zé asked. "Nothing" Cristiano replied. "Irina and Molly didn't come to blows did they?" Zé asked as he washed the coffee pot. "What no. Why would you think that?" Cristiano asked as he looked at the table to see his sister and mother talking and smiling as Irina focused on her phone. "Oh good I'd hate to have missed anything" Zé said. "Zé" Cristiano snapped. "Oh come on. Irina hates Molly. And Molly is going to snap soon. It's only going to take something small to make her" Zé said and Cristiano thought back to last night.

"Tío Cris" Rodrigo said as he came to stand beside his uncle. "Mana" Cristiano smiled at his nephew. "Where's Molly?" the little boy asked. "Ya where is Molly? She's normally up now" Katia said from the table. "Maybe she's packing" Dolores said. "Or maybe she disappeared" Irina muttered. "Maybe you should" Dolores snapped and Irina looked at Cristiano. "Did you just hear what your mother said to me?" Irina asked.

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