Chapter 50- Quite A Pickle

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  "What?" Irina asked in surprise as she gazed up at her boyfriend from her seat at the kitchen table. "Take the picture down please" Cristiano said. "To hell with the please. Take the picture down right now or I'll show you another use for the phone you used to post the picture" Molly warned Irina.

"Are you going to stand there while she threatens me?" Irina asked standing from the table to stand beside Cristiano. "I'll show you threatening" Molly said stepping forward. "Mols I'll deal with it. Just go back upstairs" Cristiano said placing his hand on her shoulder. "She has no right to post pictures of my son" Molly snapped at him as she shrugged off his hand. "I'm dating Cristiano" Irina said. "Oh I'm well aware you're his girlfriend Irina" Molly said glaring at Cristiano. "But Junior is my son" Molly said adjusting the baby boy in her arms. "I don't care if you have a problem with that fact but it's not changing. You do not used my son for your own gain" Molly warned the model.

"Babe" Irina pouted. "I'll sort it" Cristiano said looking at Molly. "Cos you're so good at sorting things" Molly snapped. "Don't yell at my boyfriend" Irina yelled at Molly. "I'll yell at whomever I like especially messing a backbone" Molly yelled at Irina. "Ok ok Molly you go back upstairs with Ana. Irina you delete the picture and then I'll finish making breakfast" Nuno said tugging Molly back. "Irina just take down the photo please" Cristiano asked Irina. "I can't believe you are actually saying please" Molly snapped turning to look at Cristiano.

"It's just a picture. See what is so bad about it" Irina said holding out her hone for Molly and Cristiano to see. Cristiano stared at the photo of Irina smiling at the camera whilst Junior looked over her shoulder. You couldn't see his face but he was still in the picture. "Take it down" Cristiano said. "There. Happy" Irina said deleting all trace of the picture from her Facebook. "Happy" Molly yelled moving around Nuno.

"Molly I told you to go upstairs" Cristiano yelled and Molly stopped dead in her tracks at his voice. She gripped the little boy in her arms and tucked away the anger that was bursting to explode as Irina stood smirking beside her boyfriend. "She doesn't get to post photos of my son" Molly said. "Of our son" he reminded her as the stared at each other. "It was just a picture" Irina said. "With the child of your boyfriend who you refer to as a brat" Molly said. "No I don't" Irina said looking at Cristiano.

"Oh please" Molly said scoffing. "Molly" Cristiano said. "I don't want her taking pictures of my son. I don't want her taking pictures of him, near him or even in the same room as him Ronaldo" Molly yelled. "Molly let's go back upstairs" Ana said as she turned Molly around and they both walked out of the room.

"What the hell were you thinking posting the picture?" Cristiano asked shrugging off the hand which Irina had placed on his upper arm as he moved away from her. "It was just a picture it's no big deal" Irina said. "If we wanted a picture posted then myself and Molly would post it of him. We're his parents" Cristiano said.

"You just let that money grabbing slut boss you around and you're yelling at me" Irina yelled at him. "Don't call her that" Cristiano yelled. "How could you have being so stupid to knock her up. She was just looking for a meal ticket and you fell for it. One five minute bunk up and she's rolling in it" Irina yelled and Cristiano shook his head and moved to walk out of the room. "Where are you going?" she yelled. "Anywhere but here" he muttered quietly. "Cristiano" she said.

"The gym" he yelled and left the room. Irina's gaze moved from him to Nuno who had been standing watching everything. "Well are you going to make breakfast or what?" she asked him. "Help yourself" Nuno said nodding to the kitchen before grabbing his keys and heading towards the front door.

Ana watched as Molly marched up the stairs with such anger. She followed her down the hall to her bedroom. She watched Molly place Junior into his cot. "You ok?" Ana asked from the door. "That bloody woman" Molly said as her hands gripped the side of the cot.

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