1.Spreading the news

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*November 2013*

-Brenda's point of view

I ran down the stairs as I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door, only to be greeted by a kiss from my boyfriend, Logan.

"Hey babe! I came as soon as I could since you called me. What's up?" He asked as he walked into my house.

"Well, you know how Crystal and I are kind of vine famous?" I asked, making him nod in response.

"We both got invited to a meet and greet convention known as Magcon. It's an opportunity to meet my supporters." I explained.

"That's great babe! When and where is it?" He asked

"Well that's the thing. The first meet and greet is here in Dallas, Texas, but after that, there's a tour around almost all of the country. Which means I would be gone for a while if I went." I explained nervously.

"Oh" was all he replied. His smile turned into a frown.

"Yeah, so what do you think? Should we go?" I asked him, bitting my lip.

"Well, I don't know. I guess it could be a big opportunity for you. You should go." He replied honestly.

"Really?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah, but how are you going to handle school and all?" He asked me.

"Well after this semester finishes, I'll do online school." I answered.

"Cool. Anyways, who else is going?" He asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"I honestly don't know. But I'm guessing other viners like Crystal and I." I replied.

"Well enough about that. Let's watch some movies while you're still here." He smiled.

*The day of Magcon*

"Hurry up Crystal or we're going to be late!" I yelled.

"I'm coming, chill the fuck out!" She yelled back.

She was wearing ripped, light blue jeans with a black crop top and black converse. She also had her hair curled. I had black skinny jeans with a white crop top, and my black vans. I had my hair straightened.

"Whatever." I mumbled as I rolled my eyes.

We got a taxi to take us to where the event was being held. Once we got there, we noticed a lot of supporters already out there. The moment we got out of the car, the cheers got louder.

"Hi princesses!" Crystal and I yelled in sync.

Since my last name is Palacio, we called our supporters prince/princess. Palacio is translated to palace in English, which caused us to call them like that. I honestly didn't like calling them "fans," so we either called them "princess/prince," or "supporters."

We walked inside the building looking for the room we were supposed to wait in. As we looked for it, my phone rang. I answered it and smiled, noticing it was my boyfriend. We've been dating for 11 months so far.

"Hi babe!" I answered.

"Hey, What are you doing?" He asked

"Well I just got to Magcon looking for a certain room." I answered.

"Oh, sorry to bother." He apologized

"It's okay, but what's up?" I asked as we found the room.

As soon as we walked in, the room went from being loud, to being quiet.

"Nothing just wanted to check on you." He replied.

I looked up only to be met by the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. They were bright, yet meaningful. It held a certain power against me that I've never felt before. Damn...

"Hi, my name is Jack Johnson." Said the guy with blueish, greenish, eyes. He had nice blonde hair and was sort of short, but taller than me. I'll admit it, he was hot.

"Babe? Are you still there?" My boyfriend asked.

"Oh yeah! I have to go. Call you later." I said and hung up

"Hi, I'm Brenda and this is my best friend, Crystal." I introduced ourselves and waved. A chorus of "hi," "hey," or "what's up," were responded by 9 Boys and a girl.

"This is Cameron, Matthew, Nash, Carter, Taylor, Shawn, Aaron, Jack, and Mahogany." Jack Johnson pointed to each one of the guys. Honestly, they were all hot.

Shut up! You have a boyfriend!

"So there's two Jacks?" Crystal asked.

"Yeah I'm Jack Johnson and that's Jack Gilinsky." The blonde Jack said.

Suddenly, a man came in saying that it was time for the show. Another man introduced us one by one as we went up the stage. The cheers were getting louder by the second.

"And last but not least, give it up for Brenda Palacio!" Adrenaline rushed through my body as cheers got louder.

We did the show which consisted of Q&A, truth or dare, several challenges, and a couple of people singing.

After the show, it was time for the meet and greet. I was surprised as Crystal and I had a long line of people waiting to meet us. We hugged, took pictures, signed things, and talked to our supporters.

I smiled at the thought that we had people who looked up at us. I was happy knowing I made people laugh and smile in just 6 seconds.

Once it was done, we said goodbye and headed back to my house.

"That was amazing!" Crystal exclaimed.

"Indeed it was. But there's also tomorrow!" I replied.

We watched movies, and being the fatasses we are, we ate for the rest of the night.

*The next day*

The next day was the same as the first one. Crystal and I traded numbers with the guys and Mahogany. We were about to leave, but someone called us.

"Hey, I need to talk to y'all." Bart, the manager, stopped us.

"Sure, what's up?" Replied Crystal.

"Well the fans loved you, and I was wondering if you two would like to join the rest of the tour with us?" He asked

"Oh my gosh, of course! When will we leave, though?" I asked him.

"Well, we leave next Friday. I'll send y'all the details later." he said

We said goodbye and left.

"Wow! Our dreams are coming true!" I mumbled shockingly.

"I know, but this is only the beginning." Crystal nodded.

This is going to be a heck of a tour.

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