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-Brenda'a point of view

We arrived at the venue and got out of the limo. There were already a couple of supporters waiting outside. We talked to some for a while before we had to go inside the building.

"Okay guys, show starts in 5 minutes. Be ready!" Bart told us.

I was honestly kind of sad because of the break up. I mean, one year thrown to the trash is something you don't let it slide easily unless there weren't any feeling. I still didn't love him, but my feelings were strong.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone pushing me forwards.

"They called your name, idiot!" Johnson told me in an annoyed tone.

I rolled my eyes, before running out, blowing kisses, and taking quick pictures. Once everyone was called out, we sprawled out in the stage.

"How about we start with a Q&A?" Cam suggested.

Everyone agreed and we called out supporters. Everything was going fine until a supporter asked a question that I didn't want to answer.

"Brenda, how was your one year anniversary with Logan?" She asked.

"Oh, umm, we broke up." I said trying not to scream.

"Why?" Someone else asked.

"Um, well..." I started but nothing came out.

"Are you going to answer or not, idiot?" Johnson asked.

"First of, I'm not an idiot. Second, if you were in my position you would understand. And third, why do you care anyways?" I spat harshly.

"But to answer your question, there were distance problems and because of that we weren't working like a couple should." I lied to the supporter.

"Bullshit" I heard Johnson mumble, but the fans didn't hear.

"Out of all the girls, who's the most girlie?" Another supporter asked.

Just as I was about to answer, someone rudely interrupted me.

"Definitely not Brenda!" Johnson said.

"And why not? Because I don't wear makeup, dresses, skirts, heels, and I'm better in sports than you?" I snapped.

"It's not about how you dress, but how you act. I haven't met a girl that acts like you." He shot back.

"You know, since you're not girlie and more like manly, I should call you, Brandon." He fired.

"I don't even know why you're a acting so innocent. You literally act like a girl, Jackie." I shot back.

'Ooooh' was heard all around after each comment.

"Okay guys, enough! Break it up!" Gilinsky said.

We were separated from each other. I was in one side of the room, while Johnson was in the other.

We moved on and played truth or dare.

"Nash! Truth or Dare?" A girl asked. To say she wore shit load of makeup, and a slutty dress, was an understatement.

"Dare!" He replied confidently.

"I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl that you see!" She dared him smirking.

Who does she think she is?

He looked around for a bit, then got up from his sitting position. He walked up the stage towards her, but turned around last minute and walked towards Crystal. Everyone thought that he was going to kiss her but he didn't. He kissed me instead. I felt a small spark going off in me. Once he pulled away, everyone went crazy. I'll admit it, he's a hell of a good kisser.

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