53.I thought you were different...

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*3 months later* (March)

-Brenda's point of view

I coughed loudly, as my headache grew stronger.

"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Crystal asked me, putting her shoes on.

"I'll be fine. Have fun!" I answered, waving her goodbye.

I was sick. Extremely sick. I had a fever, headache, and a cold. It sucked because I wouldn't be able to go to Magcon.

I stayed in bed watching Netflix, while everyone was at Magcon. Fascinating. A couple of hours later, the gang finally came back.

I was feeling a bit better. Most of the pain was gone, and I was able to walk now.

"Hey babe." Nash smiled coming inside my room.

"Hey." I replied.

"How ya feeling?" He asked me.

"I'm okay. I feel better now." I answered.

"I'm glad to hear that. Do you want anything? Medicine, coffee, food, or even candy?" He asked.

"Um, can you get me something to eat. Im kinda starving." I smiled sweetly.

"Sure. I'll be back. Does McDonald's sound good?" He asked.

I nodded. I continued to watch 'Mean Girls.' Definitely one of my favorite movies. By the time the movie was over, Nash still hadn't came back.

I decided to call him just to make sure. Call after call, it just ended up going to voicemail. I was about to call him again, when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said locking my phone.

"Hey Brandon, how are ya?" Jackie asked coming in along with Gilinsky.

"Good. What about y'all?" I asked.

"We're good." Jackie smiled.

"What were you doing, muffin?" Gilisnky asked.

"Oh nothing, just drowning in my own thoughts." I shrugged.

"Okay? What were the thoughts about?" Jackie chuckled.

"About how I'm not getting my food. I sent Nash to get me McDonalds about an hour ago, and he still isn't back." I sighed.

"We can go get some. We're kinda hungry anyways." Gilinsky offered.

"Can I come with y'all? I've been stuck here for days!" I whined.

"Sure. Hop on!" Jackie bent down.

I hopped on his back before we left the room. We walked to McDonalds, well they did since I was being carried. Anyways, the walk was two blocks away. Why was Nash taking so long?

We entered the fast food place, and ordered. We planned on eating here since it was better than the boring old hotel.

For some reason, I was in a playful mood. I made the guys sit with me in the playground area. Childish, I know. After our healthy meal, we decided to play in the playground. There were  no kids around, so we wouldn't hurt them.

"Guys, I think I'm stuck." Gilisnky mumbled from the slide.

"What?" I asked, trying to hold my laughter back.

"I think I'm stuck." He mumbled again.

"Where?" Jackie asked teasingly.

"In the slide." We heard Gilisnky say.

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