13.I guess?

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-Jackie's point of view

I was stuck with Nash in my group. I honestly don't have a problem with him, it's just about Brandon. Deep down inside, I have feelings for her.

"Do you think Brenda will want to match?" Nash asked.

I rolled my eyes at the question. Really? They were going to act like that typical couple.

"I don't know, man. Why don't you ask her?" Cam suggested.

"Oh, and while you're at it, tell her to ask Crystal for me please." Matthew added.

"And Mahogany!" Jacob joined.

"My phone is dead." Nash said. "Johnson, can you call her for me please?"

"I um, yeah sure, I guess." I replied.

I dialed her phone and she picked up in the third ring while laughing. Oh, her beautiful laugh.

*phone call*

Brandon: Hello? (She said Between laughs)

Me:Brandon! Nash wanted to know if you want to match with him.

Brandon: oh, well why couldn't he call me. (She said sounding disappointed)

Me:His phone died.

Brandon:Oh, um yeah I guess.

Me:Can you ask Crystal the same question but with Matt, and Mahogany with Jacob?

Brandon:Um yeah hold on. (Shuffling was heard in the background)
They agreed.

Me:Okay then I'll see you later.

*end of phone call*

I hung up and shoved the phone in my pocket. I told Nash, Jacob and Matt that the girls agreed. I suddenly remembered that I had Mariah. Sure, she was nothing compared to Brandon, but good enough to make her jealous.

A couple of minutes later, Brandon texted me the colors. I informed the boys before zoning off again.

If they wanted to be a cute couple, then why couldn't Mariah and I? I told her about it and she agreed. This was going to be a hell of a dance.

-Brenda's point of view

Crystal and Mahogany were going crazy while I hung back with the boys.

"Brenda! Get over here now! You're supposed to be looking for a dress!" Crystal shouted.

"But I don't wanna wear one." I whined like a little kid.

"Bullshit! Now get over here, and tell the boys to help you out." Mahogany ordered.

I did as told. The boys followed me into the store, and we started looking.

"So why exactly do we need a dress?" I asked.

"Because it's a dance. It is very formal, so a dress is needed." Mahogany explained.

I rolled my eyes and cursed under my breath. Dresses are stupid. I don't like them at all, but there's no way out of it.

I start looking around, but nothing caught my eye. I noticed that the girls had the same problem. I spotted this black dress. It had beadings at the top, and was open at the bottom for one leg, making the dress long. I didn't like it for myself, but rather for Crystal. I gave it to her, and she tried it on. She. Was. Stunning.

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