20.Trippled up

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-Crystal's point of view

We landed, and claimed our luggage. All I've been thinking of lately, is Brenda and Ethan.

I feel really bad for screaming at her like that. I honestly was sad, but his death didn't hit me as hard as it hit her. They were perfect for each other.

I liked Nash for Brenda and all, but something just didn't feel right. Like if there was someone out there that was better. Yet, who could it be?

"Right Crystal?" I heard Matt say, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? I mean, oh yeah!" I said playing along.

"You didn't hear what I said, did you?" He asked.

"I'm sorry. It's just I've been really distracted lately. Anyways, what did you ask me?" I said brushing it off.

"The guys asked if we were hungry, so I answered for you." He explained.

"Oh yeah, right!" I replied.

"What were you thinking about, though? I mean, you seemed pretty deep in though." He pointed out.

"Its just, I feel really bad for screaming at Brenda the other day. Instead of being a good best friend and supporting her, I made her feel worse than she already was feeling." I explained getting into the limo.

"Don't worry. I'm sure she'll understand. All you were doing is worrying about her. But to get your mind of that, would you like to go on a date with me as a official couple?" He offered.

"I would love to." I answered.

"Great, I'll give you details later." He said.

I smiled at him. Damn, he sure does mean something.

-Brenda's point of view

I laughed along with everyone because of something Cam said. I'm still slightly mad at Crystal and Gilinsky, but I won't hold a grudge. I mean, I have the right to be mad because instead of helping me out like a best friend should, they yelled at me.

I'll eventually forgive them, but right now that's not one of my biggest problems.

What if Shawn makes me keep singing? I just don't want to feel pressured. I mean, I already have enough with school, why stress over something I love.

"Hey Brenda?" Carter asked once we were in the lobby.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Would you like to do a dance with me? Like a hip-hop or something?" He asked.

I thought about for a second before replying.

"Sure! I'll go to your room later to make the choreography." I told him before walking to the elevator.

Turns out that all three couples are staying in one room. Marvelous, huh? I entered the hotel room, and claimed the bed closest to the window, which was the farthest away from the door.

"So babe, I talked to Matt and Jacob, and we're going on a triple date!" Nash exclaimed.

"Really? Where are we going?" I asked.

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