2.Saying goodbye

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-Brenda's point of view

I waited impatiently for class to be over so we could finally go home. After school, Crystal and I are leaving to the airport so we could go on tour. Most of the school knew we were going on tour, and wanted to befriend Crystal and I. Why, you might ask? Well, so they could get with the boys.

Anyways, my boyfriend was driving us since I technically wasn't old enough. I'm not going to be sixteen until December 21. Crystal is fifteen until January 10. It was November but I still didn't have my license.

Crystal and I would pick up our luggage, and say goodbye to our family. From there, my boyfriend would take us.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the bell had rang.

"Babe?" My boyfriend snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry." I laughed.

"It's okay. Let's hurry up so you won't miss your flight." He said.

We quickly left the classroom, and found Crystal waiting outside of the school. We got in Logan's car, and he drove us home.

I quickly hurried inside and grabbed my stuff. I then ran downstairs to see my family waiting.

"We're going to miss you Brenda." My mom said.

"Yeah, I'll miss y'all, too, but it'll only be a couple of months." I told them.

My family and I are very close, so it was hard to say goodbye. I might've been shedding some tears, but that's because I'll truly miss them. We said our goodbyes before I left. My family only spoke Spanish, as well as Crystal's and my boyfriend's. We're Hispanic and Mexican heritage.

We stopped to pick Crystal up, and drove to the airport. Since we still had 30 minutes left, we went to get something to eat.

I sighed and turned to face my boyfriend, as my flight was being called

"I'll miss you, babe" I said.

"I'll miss you, too" he replied.

He pulled me closed and kissed me. Unfortunately, we had to pull away.

"Call me when you land, okay?" He smiled.

"Okay, te quiero." I said.

"Tambien te quiero." He said.

('Te quiero ' means I really like you, but not as strong as I love you in Spanish. )

Crystal and I got on the plane, and made small talk. After a while, I plugged my earbuds in, and listened to music while falling asleep.

*after the plain ride*

"Brenda, wake up! We landed already." Crystal shook me awake.

We grabbed our stuff and looked for someone. We then saw a sign that read our names. We walked towards the man holding the sign.

"Brenda and Crystal?" He asked.

We nodded in response, and he told us to follow him into a limo. When we got in, there were already some people inside. We greeted each other, and talked while we waited for the others to arrive. Once everyone landed, we drove to the hotel.

"Okay guys, so here are the keys to the rooms. We are all in the same floor, and we're the only ones occupying it." Bart announced.

Bart kept talking, but I honestly zoned out and started thinking what these following weeks were going to be like. All of a sudden, someone screamed in my ear.

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