39.Just a tingling sensation

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-Crystal's point of view

"Yeah, we're dating." I heard Brenda reassure.

She re-sang the song, which was way better than Nash's version.

"Well, since we're confessing something," I heard Matt start.

"Crystal and I are dating!" He announced.

My face flushed in embarrassment. What if I get hate? What if they don't accept us? What if they make us break up?

"Would you come up, please?" I heard Matt ask me.

I shook my head vigorously. I didn't want to face them just yet. Matt came over, threw me over his shoulder, and walked back up stage.

"Put me down!" I kept ordering, but he ignored me.

"Nope!" He said popping the 'p.'

Meanwhile, the crowd was going crazy about us.

"Are we dating?" Matthew asked.

"Yes, yes we are." I smiled defeatedly.

"You guys can't leave us behind!" Jacob said coming on with Mahogany, hand to hand.

"We're also dating!" Mahogany said.

The fans went even crazier! They were all trying to take in the information that was just given. I wouldn't blame them, though.

"We hope you guys can support our relationships." Brenda said.

"Yes, if we ever break up, that's our decision. That's not stopping our friendship." Nash continued.

"We also don't want the hate. We are together for a reason, and the hate isn't stopping us." Matt smiled at me.

"Umm, yeah. We aren't getting between nobody's friendship just because we're dating." I added.

"We want to let you all know that we make each other happy." Mahogany kept it going.

"We just wanted to announce this before you all found out in the wrong way." Jacob finished.

-Brenda's point of view

We finally told them. We finished the show and all that good stuff. We headed back to the hotel where we all just watched movies till after midnight.

*December 30*

We are currently on our way to Nash's cabin. The past few days haven't been the best. Nash has been ignoring me because of Claire. In the meantime, Jackie and I have gotten closer.

"When we get there, we're going to the mall. Come with?" Mahogany offered.

"Sure." I answered, not really caring.

"Wait, so you actually want to go to the mall with us?" Crystal asked surprised.

"Sure, why not?" I asked.

"You usually don't like going to the mall." Mahogany explained.

"I want to get out of feeling stuck in one place." I replied.

They nodded and went back into their conversation. We were driving since it was too close for a plane. I plugged in my earphones, and listened to music.

The girls, Matthew, Jacob, Nash, Claire, and I, were all in a truck. I really didn't talk on the trip.

Wanna go 2 the mall w/ Shawn, Hayes and I?

Me- sure. I'll catch y'all there.

We finally reached the cabin, and headed inside.

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