28.I love her.

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-Crystal's point of view

After Johnson informed us that Brenda was gone, everyone was gathered into a room. We also found out that Jc was gone. I was trying to think where they went, specially drunk.

Wait! I think I know where she's at. She's drunk, and doesn't know what she's doing, so she might be getting high!

"I think I know where they are." I said.

"Where?" Johnson asked immediately.

"I think they're getting high." I answered.

"You really think she's getting high?" Gilinsky asked.

I nodded.

"Why?" Aaron asked.

"She has been stressed out lately, and that's her way of relaxing." I answered.

"Do you know where they could be?" Jackie asked.

"No idea, but knowing them, they shouldn't be far." I answered.

"Okay, we need to make a plan to find them now!" Johnson ordered.

"Why are you so worried about her?" Nash asked annoyed.

"Because she might be in danger, that's why!" Johnson answered.

"Yeah, but she's nothing to you! She's not your girlfriend or friend!" Nash yelled.

"She might not, but you barely even show interest!" Johnson shot back.

"I don't care what you think! I-" Nash was cut short by the door slamming open.

"Oh, hey guys. Why are you screaming?" Brenda asked very high.

"Oh my goodness Brandon, are you okay?!" Johnson ran over to her.

"Yes she's okay, dude." Jc answered as high as Brenda.

"Here, let me help you." Johnson said giving out his hand to Brenda.

Jc then took it into his, which made everyone laugh. When they got high, they were chill, said everything they thought, and were REALLY hungry.

Johnson had no choice but to help Jc. Gilinsky picked up Brenda, and placed her on the bed gently.

"You're very pretty." Brenda complemented Gilinsky.

"Thank you." Gilinsky chuckled.

"You too!" She squealed pointing at Nash making him also chuckle.

"You're all pretty!" She said pointing to everyone in the room.

"Okay now, it's time to go to sleep." Gilinsky told her as if she was a little kid.

"But I don't want to! I'm hungry." She crossed her arms like a little kid.

"You have to!" Gilinsky argued, acting like a dad.

"Well, I'll do it if you can catch me." She yelled, running out of the room.

"Fuck." I heard someone mumble.

"Wait for me." Jc said running after her.

"Double fuck." That same person mumbled.

"Where are they going?" They asked me.

"To get food." I answered, already knowing the drill.

"Should we go after them?" Matt asked.

"Only a few. The rest get them food." I said standing up.

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