25.Go look!

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-Brenda's point of view

"Shhs, you're going to ruin the surprise!" I heard someone whisper.

"Okay, damn. At the count of three, ready? 1- 2-" I heard someone else.

"-3!" I finished for everyone.

I looked around, and everyone was around me. Weird. I remembered falling asleep in the balcony. Anyways...

"Happy Birthday to you!" The gang sang.

"Thank you!" I said smiling at them.

"I honestly forgot it was my birthday." I said, making everyone laugh.

"Only you would forget your own birthday, Brenda. Only you." Nash said making us all laugh again.

"Anyways, go get ready! We have a long day planned ahead of us!" Crystal made me get up, and slapped my butt.

"Feisty. I like it." I smirked playfully.

"Only for you babe." Crystal played along making Matthew and Nash whine.

"Okay everyone, go get ready!" Mahogany ordered, making all the boys leave.

We all got ready. We then noticed that we were kind of matching, making us burst out in laughter.

We headed down to lobby, and waited for the remaining people to come down

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We headed down to lobby, and waited for the remaining people to come down. As soon as Nash saw me, he ran to me and kissed me. He then grabbed my hand, and sat me in his lap while waiting. Once everyone was ready, we piled into the limo. Nobody would tell me where we were going. My tummy then grumbled, meaning I was hungry.




"Guys!" I said annoyingly.

"What Brenda?!" Crystal asked as soft as possible, yet you could tell that she was annoyed.

"I'm hungry." I whined, making everyone laugh.

"It's not funny!" I pouted.

"Wait! What's that on your lower lip?" Nash asked, looking at me closely.

"Nothinnnggg." I said, dragging out the 'n.'

"Let me see." He said sternly.

I let him see my lower lip. Why is it such a big deal, you might ask? Well, I have a tattoo on my lower lip that only Crystal knows about.

"Bro, is that a tattoo?!" Taylor asked curiously.

I nodded, not daring to make eye contact with anyone.

"Why do we barely know this?" Gilinsky asked.

"Well, I just didn't find the need to tell you." I answered simply.

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