10.You're going down

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-Brenda's point of view

"Okay guys, the break is over! Come back!" Nash ordered.

I walked back and got inside the pool. Gilinsky did too, and went underwater to get me on his shoulders. Jackie, and Mariah repeated our actions.

"Okay, who ever wins this round, wins the whole game. On your mark, get set, go!" Trevor shouted.

I grabbed Mariah by the arms to take better control of her.

"You're going down, bitch!" She said.

"Of course I am." I replied sarcastically.

She grabbed my arms and started pushing. She was strong and had a good grip, but not better than me. The boys split up talking and betting about who was going to win. Obviously, the girls were on my side. At the last minute, I gripped harder and pushed her as hard as I could. Both her and Jackie fell backwards, meaning we won.

"I thought I was going down!" I told her.

"And the winners are..." Connor started.

"BRENDA AND GILINSKY!" Trevor finished.

I got down from Gilinsky, only to be carried and spun around by him. We cheered with the people that believed in us.

"Okay, so what if they won? We're still better than them, right babe?" Mariah said.

"Umm, yeah." Jackie said, only to be kissed by her.

Suddenly, Nash started laughing and walking towards me.

"Better than Brenda?" He asked looking at them.

He then turned around towards me and dipped me into a kiss. Once he pulled away he said:

"Bitch where? Not a single bit better!" Nash said.

He threw me on his shoulder and ran out of the pool area, leaving everyone behind speechless.

"Nash!" I squealed.

"Hmmm, its 10. How about we take a shower and meet up in my room for movies?" He offered.

"I'd love to." I replied.

"Great! See you in 30." He said dropping me off in my room.

I showered and changed into some sweats, a hoodie, and threw my hair into a messy bun. Once I was done, I walked towards Nash's room and knocked. He opened it and let me in.

"You look beautiful." He told me, making me blush.

He put on a movie as we cuddled. At some point, I couldn't keep my eyes open no more, and fell asleep in his arms.

-Nash's point of view

Brenda looked extremely beautiful. Even in her sweats, hoodie, and messy bun. We watched movies as we cuddled.

I noticed she fell asleep. Her breath evened, her features were more relaxed, and her mouth was slightly opened. I then took in her features. She had big pink lips. Not too big, but not too small nose. Her brunette hair could look good with any hairstyle. Her brown chocolate eyes that had a little sparkle in them when she was happy, or that would light up when it came to food. I always loved her smile, and her laugh.

I honestly couldn't be happier right now. The girl of my dreams fell asleep in my arms.

*Next morning

"Shhh, you're going to wake them up." Someone whispered.

"But they're so cute!" Someone squealed.

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