47.Group Challenges

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-Brenda's point of view

This past week has been crazily fun. Nash and I are stronger than ever. I remember everything by now, and we're leaving to Magcon today.

I was currently finishing packing my last stack of clothes, when Claire walked in.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Nash is mine." She said.

"Well considering that he's dating me, instead of you, i don't think so." I replied.

"Oh, he is. He will be so back off." She nearly shouted.

"Well, I'll be waiting until that day." I smiled before walking past her to get downstairs.

"I wasn't finished." She yelled after me.

"But I was." I smiled.

"What's going?" Nash asked.

"She was telling me that I should back off since I would never have a chance with you. She was telling me all these ugly things." Claire accused me.

"Is that true?" Nash asked.

"Are you seriously believing her? She was the one who told me that!" I said.

"No I didn't!" Claire yelled.

"Yes you did! I don't know what you're lying for. You were the one who came into my room, and started the conversation. I tried to ignore you, but you followed me." I pointed out.

"Whatever." Claire huffed before walking back upstairs.

I walked back into the kitchen, ignoring Nash.

"Good morning, Jackie." I smiled.

"Good morning, Brandon." He smiled back.

"Hey guys, we're all going to get breakfast as a family before we leave, so go get ready!" Crystal announced, smacking my butt.

We all did as told, and got ready

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We all did as told, and got ready. Once everyone was finished, we drove to IHOP.

It was nice just talking to the guys. No problems. No arguments. No awkwardness. Just happiness.

It was finally time to go to the airport. I was exited to go back to Nashville for Magcon, but at the same time, I didn't want to leave Jc.

"I'll miss y'all." I said hugging Kian, Trevor, Ricky, Connor, and Sam.

"I'll miss you the most. Next time, let's not go to the hospital." I laughed, hugging Jc.

"Yeah, and next time come with us because you're visiting, not to get away from drama." He teased.

"No promises." I smiled as my eyes filled with tears.

"Don't cry cause you'll make me cry." Jc said hugging me tightly.

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