31.Good gone bad

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-Brenda's point of view

I woke up a bit early for my liking. It was currently 7:30 am, but our plane left at 9.

I got dressed in a plane ride outfit, along with Crystal. We headed downstairs, getting ready to eat breakfast.

"Morning." I greeted sleepily.

I got myself a stack of waffles with coffee. I ate and went back upstairs to make sure I had everything. This time I would actually take my computer.

Once I was sure I had everything, I took my bags downstairs to where my parents were waiting.

Both Crystal and I said our goodbyes to our families before we drove to the airport. I was going to leave my car in the airport while I was gone. It would be easier so when we came back, I didn't need to worry about someone picking us up.

We went through all that shit in the airport, and finally got seated in the plane.

After a while, I took my computer out and started to edit the video. It took a while since we did goof off a bit. We also cursed here and there which meant I had to censor those words.

Once I finished, I put the laptop away and went to sleep. I really was tired. I decided that once I got to the hotel, I would go straight to sleep.

I woke up in a dark room that I didn't recognize. Where am I?

My stomach and back was really hurting. Not only that, but I was also in a really uncomfortable bed.

Suddenly, the door opened. A nurse came walking in with a clipboard at hand.

"Oh, I see that you finally woke up." She smiled at me.

"Yes, I have. But where are my babies?" I asked.

Why did I ask that?

"Oh, they're sleeping right now. I'll make sure your husband brings them when he wakes up." She answered.

I nodded and laid back down as she checked me.

"I'll go tell your husband he's now able to see you." She informed me.

With that, she left the room. Moments later, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." I said.

The door opened and there stood my 'husband.' He seemed oddly familiar. He had blonde hair, with a mix of green and blue for eyes. He was slim, and tall. He was a bit buff. He seemed tired, with blood shot eyes.

I wonder why.

"Hi baby." He said pecking my lips.

"Hi." I smiled weakly.

"Our babies are beautiful. We did a pretty good job. How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm okay I guess, I just feel a bit rusty." I answered, making him chuckle.

"I figured. There were a lot of complications." He replied.

What did he mean? From what I've heard, I just gave birth, but were they complications during labor?

"What about you? You seem pretty tired." I asked.

"I'm kinda tired. I haven't left the hospital." He answered.

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