15.Sing for us

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-Crystal's point of view

Once those words left Nash's mouth, Brenda pushed past us. Recently, she had been getting certain memories that made her sad. The things that some people say, set off flashbacks.

On a special day in December, something happened a couple years ago that broke her.

I followed her outside. I found her sitting in a bench that was in a near by park. I sat next to her and hugged her tightly.

"It's about him, isn't it?" I asked.

She nodded. She wasn't crying, but she wanted to.

"Are you sure you can sing? I mean, with the flashbacks and all. It might bring you down big time." I told her.

"Honestly, I don't even know. It's just, the date is coming so soon. I just wish that the accident never happened, you know? It's hard. It really is. I don't want to act happy when I'm not." She finally spoke.

"Hey, how about we have some bonding time. The show doesn't start for a couple more hours. It can be just like old times, yeah?" I suggested.

"Yeah." She said, starting to smile.

"Okay, I'll text the group. Let's go to the closest Corner Stop. We can buy all the junk food you want." I stood up.

I gave her my hand, and she gladly took it to stand up. We walked to the store, and bought lots of junk food.

I made sure to text the guys and Mahogany so they wouldn't worry. We headed back to our hotel room, and talked about everything. It was just like old times. I missed it.

"So how are Matthew and you doing?" Brenda asked me.

That's something unique about her. Even in her toughest times, she still worried about others. She puts everyone before her. She's that amazing.

"We're good. He's really sweet to me, and my feelings have been growing a lot recently. I'm just waiting for him to make it official." I replied honestly.

"That's good. But if he ever hurts you..." she started.

"Okay, I get it. We don't want the whole Albert situation again." I said laughing.

Albert is my ex-boyfriend. We dated for a while, and he made me feel special. Until one day, he cheated on me. Brenda was furious, and beat the shit out of him. She's a bit violent when it comes to protecting the ones she loves.

She laughed along before saying, "He was an idiot, but he did learn his lesson."

I nodded and we kept talking.

"I should probably touch up so I don't look like crap." Brenda said.

-Brenda's point of view

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-Brenda's point of view

I laughed as I noticed Crystal and Mahogany matching.

"How come y'all didn't tell me to match?" I pouted, pretending to be hurt.

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