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-Brenda's point of view

"Where were you?!" Bart asked almost mad.

"Backstage, duh!" I answered.

"Then why didn't you come out when I called you?" He asked again.

"Because I wanted to give Crystal a big entrance?" I said but it came out more as a question since I was trying to hold my laughter in.

"That's no excuse!" He yelled at me.

"I came out, didn't I? So I don't know why you're taking it up the ass when I'm just trying to make this show a bit more fun!" I yelled back.

"Whatever! Next time I won't let it slide that easily." He said pushing past me. 

"I'll be waiting!" I yelled before he went back to where he was.

I bursted out laughing with everyone else. I'm not scared of him at all. He called out the rest of the guests, and the show began.

"How about a Q&A?" Mahogany suggested.

Everyone agreed and we started to choose people.

"Um, hey Brenda. This one is for you. You look really beautiful and all, but I thought you didn't like skirts. Why are you wearing one? I love you by the way!" A guy asked me.

"Thank you, I love you too, prince. Crystal and Mahogany wanted to pick out my outfit. I agreed only if I picked out theirs. So what I'm wearing, they both picked it out. What they're wearing, I picked it out. " I explained.

"Uhhh, you, with the Nashty shirt." I chose.

"This one is to Jack Johnson and Nash. What do y'all think about what Brenda is wearing?"

"I think that she looks beautiful." Nash mumbled while blushing, making me blush, too.

"What about you, Johnson?" Crystal asked.

"Umm.. she uhh...finally looks like a girl." Jackie managed to say.

"Oh shut up, Jackie!" I hissed.

"What if I don't want to, Brandon?" He asked confidently.

"Don't act so tough. We all know that if Brenda and you got in a physical fight, she would win!" Mahogany said.

"Yeah, because I wouldn't hit a girl!" Jackie defended.

"Oh really? How about the ring, You and Brenda today?" Carter challenged.

"I'm not going to hit her!" He stated.

"Fine then. The court. First one to 21?" I challenged again.

"First one to 21!" He accepted.

"Guys, let's do something fun!" I whined.

"Like what?" Cameron asked.

"How about a dancing competition?" Mahogany suggested.

"I don't know..." I mumbled.

"Why? Are you scared, Brandon?" Jackie asked.

"I'm not scared. But if it means I can beat you, then it's on, Jackie!" I said.

"Fine then! You and I are team captains." Jackie responded.

"Fine with me. Ladies first!" I teased.

My team

Jackie's team

What they didn't know is that I was a District wide champion. If it weren't for a certain event in the past, I would've probably been nation wide champion.

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