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-Brenda's point of view

I always liked Magcon because my supporters always made me happy. Although there were a few questions that throw me out, I still loved them very much. I listened to Shawn sing "All of Me," from backstage. That is one of my favorite songs of all time. His angel like voice filled my life ears. I sang along with him quietly. I let the music take me away from reality. I cheered as loud as I could for him, when he was finished.

I turned around as I heard soft cries. I followed the sound to find a little girl lost. She had medium brown hair that reached her back. Her eyes were hazel, and she looked to be about seven years old. I went over to her, and kneed down to her size.

"What's wrong princess?" I asked.

"I lost my mom- oh my gosh! You're Brenda Palacio!" She squealed.

"That's me!" I smiled at her.

"I love you so much!" She said.

"I love you too, baby. But where's your mommy?" I asked her.

"I dunno. I can't find her." She said and started crying again.

I picked her up, and carried her around to find her mom.

"What's your name, princess?" I asked her.

"Ashley!" she giggled.

"Well Ashley, let's go find your mommy." I told her.

We looked around for ten minutes when I heard a woman's voice.

"Ashley! Oh my gosh, there you are!" The woman said.

I let Ashley down and turned to face the voice.

"Mommy!" Ashley cried.

"I found her crying so I tried to help her find you." I explained.

"Thank you so much. I-wait, are you Brenda Palacio?" She asked.

"The one and only!" I answered.

"My daughter loves you. Can you take a picture with her?" Her mom pleaded.

"Of course!" I said.

I picked up Ashley and posed for the picture. After a few pictures, they had to leave. I went back to the stage where everyone was.

"Oh my gosh, Brenda! There you are." Crystal said in sign of relief.

"Mm yeah, I mean, I'm standing here, aren't I?" I replied.

"We were looking for you but couldn't find you." Shawn answered.

"Oh sorry, I was helping someone, but I'm here now." I replied.

"Anyways, now that we know that you sing, why don't you sing to us?" Gilinsky said.

"What? Pffff, no! I don't sing!" I said.

"Of course you don't. That's why you sang your heart out when I sang." Shawn said sarcastically.

My eyes widened. They heard me sing?! I'll admit it, I can kind of sing, but I'm not really good.

"Anything else we don't know about you?" Aaron asked.

"You have no idea." I whispered hopping nobody heard me.

"She can dance." Crystal answered.

I glared at Crystal. I don't like when people give me that type of attention. It makes me nervous. It also brings back memories.

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