44.Or when..

45 3 1

-Jc's point of view

Brenda and I were just chilling, possibly getting high. It was nice and calm at our spot. It was a place on the hills that nobody went to, so we decided to call it our spot.

Brenda was laughing at something I was saying, when she felt dizzy, and fell to the ground.

I immediately picked her up, and put her inside the car. I drove (more like sped off) to the closest hospital.

I went through the emergency room, and made them take her in. They told me to sit, and wait in the waiting room.

I didn't know what to do. I called the boys to inform them about the situation. They were on their way.

I then realized that I had to call the Magcon group. But who do I call? Fuck it. I'm calling Johnson.

After a couple of rings, he finally picked up.

"Hey, what's up?" He answered.

"It's Brenda." I answered in a shaky voice.

"What's wrong? What happened to her? Is she okay?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"We were getting high, when she fainted. She's in the hospital now, and she's in a severe state." I explained with my voice cracking.

"We'll be there." Was all he said before he hung up.

Not much later, Kian, Sam, Ricky, Trevor, and Connor, arrived.

"Any news?" Kian asked.

"No. All I know is that she's in a severe state." I answered.

They didn't say anything, but stay quiet. How could we mess around in such time like this?

Hours went by and we still didn't know anything about Brenda. None of the doctors had came out, nor the nurses.

What's going on in there?

-Crystal's point of view

After a long flight, we finally made it to California.

"Did anyone make sure to book a hotel?" I asked.

"Um, yeah. We're going to a hotel that's about two miles away." Shawn answered hesitantly.

"Okay good. Why do you say it as such a bad thing?" I asked.

"Well the thing is," he chuckled.

"Since we booked it last night, there weren't much rooms. We could only get three rooms." He answered, scratching the back of his head.

"Dammit." I mumbled.

"So I'm going to eat something." Claire said grabbing Nash's hand.

"I thought you were the one going. Not Nash." Cam said, making us laugh.

"Well, we're both hungry, so fuck y'all." She replied.

"Why did we bring her with us again?" I asked no one in particular.

"Cause she might burn down the house." Taylor answered, making us all laugh.

"Hey guys! I got the address of the hospital. Let's go!" Johnson said.

"What about Nash?" Cam asked.

"He can grab a taxi." Johnson said.

"I'm not leaving him." Cam insisted.

"Call him. I know he wants to see Brenda." I suggested.

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