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-Brenda's point of view

After a long, boring, and exhausting flight, I finally landed. I claimed my luggage, and grabbed a taxi. I put my luggage in the trunk with the help of the driver, and headed off to my destination.

Once I got where I wanted to be, the driver helped me with my luggage before I payed him.

I knocked on the door, waiting for a response. After a few moments, my very best friend, opened the door.

"I missed you so much!" I cried on his shoulder.

"It's okay now, I'm here." He whispered in my ear.

After I regained myself, we entered the house where the rest were waiting.

"Brenda!" They shouted.

"Guys!" I shouted back.

I was then attacked by a massive group hug of five boys.

"Thank you for letting me stay here. I really appreciate it. Specially you Jc." I thanked.

"No problem! We have your room ready and everything." He replied.

"You didn't have to do that." I said walking up the stairs.

"Of course I did. You're my best friend, and I'd do anything for you." He said helping me put my clothes away.

"How about we order some pizza and just watch movies with the boys, yeah?" He suggested.

"Yeah." I smiled.

I was finally starting to enjoy the break

-Mahogany's point of view

Today is a new day. Brenda left yesterday. I walked down the stairs dressed for the day.

There were already a couple of people down in the kitchen eating cereal.

"Good morning!" I greeted.

"Morning." Johnson replied lifelessly.

"So what are the plans for today?" I asked once everyone was down in the kitchen, except Nash and Claire.

"We were supposed to go on a hike." Cam answered.

"Then why don't we go?" I asked confused.

"Brenda was the one taking us. She had everything planned out and ready. Guess we can't go anymore." He explained.

"Oh." I frowned.

"We can go to the lake?" Crystal suggested.

"Yeah. Let's meet down here in 30 minutes." Gilinsky said standing up.

"Meet down here for what?" Claire asked getting in our conversation.

"Hey, after that, can we make a video?" Matt said ignoring Claire's question.

"Meet down here for what?" Claire asked more demanding.

"That's not any of your business. And yes Matt, we can do a video. Let's go get ready!" I said before we all ran upstairs.

We changed and met downstairs again.

"Where are you guys going?" Nash asked us.

"To the lake." Carter answered making us all look at him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Nash asked.

"We sent Claire to tell you an hour before so you could be ready." Crystal shot making us try to hold our laugh.

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