30.And we meet again

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-Brenda's point of view

After the whole encounter with Logan, I wasn't really comfortable. I guess Crystal noticed because on the ride back, she questioned me.

"What happened while I was gone?" She asked.

"Nothing." I lied.

"You're lying. I know it. What happened?" She demanded.

"I bumped into Logan." I blurted out, waiting for her reaction.

"Did y'all talk?" She asked surprisingly calm.

"Yeah. He apologized and asked me to take him back, but I told him that I found someone else, so I couldn't." I said.

"What else?" She asked, knowing that wasn't it.

"He said that at some point, I'll take him back." I finished.

She didn't say anything. She just looked out the window.

"I think he has a girlfriend." I commented, breaking the silence.

"What makes you think that?" She asked.

"Did a supporter come up to you while you were getting the ice?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" She answered.

"Well, while we were talking, that girl came up calling him baby. She realized who I was and told me about how much of a fan she is. After we took a picture, I told her about you, leaving Logan and I alone. It all just happened so soon, though." I explained, parking in the driveway of my house.

"Well, are you telling Nash?" She asked, getting the things out of the back.

"I don't know. Should I?" I asked, walking into the house.

"I think you should. Just to make the trust stronger." She suggested.

"Yeah, I think I will." I replied thinking about it.

We helped our moms cook the dinner, and set the table up.

"Okay girls, go up and get ready. Be done by 6." My mom ordered.

We did as told and headed upstairs to my room.

Crystal made me wear heels today for some reason

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Crystal made me wear heels today for some reason. I did as she wished, since my mom also wanted me to wear them.

We headed downstairs where the people began to pile in my house. We walked around, greeting guests.

My cousins were also here. I talked to all of them because they were really close to my age, so we got along just fine. We were having a conversation, when suddenly, the only cousin I didn't like, came in with her boyfriend.

Each year, she brings a new boyfriend, which disgusts me. Her name is Giselle.

She sat down with us, but didn't acknowledge us at all. She was too busy shoving her tongue down her boyfriend's throat.

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