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-Crystal's point of view

I watched in awe as Brenda sang. She finally had the courage to sing. It took me by surprise that she sang the song that they both loved. I'm proud of her.

"Um, Crystal?" I heard Matt ask.

I hummed in response.

"How about we ditch this and go somewhere else? This is too classy, and I'm starving. You down?" He suggested.

"Yes! This isn't meant for me. Let's go." I said getting up.

We left without anyone noticing and grabbed a taxi. We went to McDonalds and ate. We probably looked stupid since he was in a tux, and I was in a dress. Fuck it. I made sure to tell the girls where we were just in case.

After McDonalds, we went on a walk to the park. It was dark, but beautiful. I noticed that Matt looked nervous, scared almost.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Uhh.. yeah, yeah." He replied a bit too quick.

"Are you sure?" I asked not entirely convinced.

"Ye- actually, no!" He answered.

I was bit surprised, but signaled for him to tell me why.

"Well, these past days with you have been amazing. You mean a lot to me, more than you can imagine. Im no good at this kinds of speeches, but," he started.

He took a deep breath and relaxed a bit.

"Maria Crystal Chavez Rendon, would you do the h-o honors of being my gi-l girlfriend?" He asked, getting more nervous by the minute.

I was speechless. Did he just say what I think he did? I guess I was thinking for too long because he said:

"Aghh, I knew it! It was too early! You don't have to say yes, I mean it's not l-" he started to ramble, but I cut him off with a kiss.

It was sweet and short, yet full of love.

"Does that answer your question?" I asked him playfully.

"If it means yes, then it does." He replied with a goofy grin.

"One question, how did you know my full name, and pronunciation?" I asked him curiously.

"Well, I have my sources." He shrugged.

"You asked Brenda and she told you, didn't she?" I asked, not surprised that she contributed with this surprise.

"Uhh, yeah. I wanted this to be special." He blushed, looking down.

I grabbed his hand, and kissed him on the cheek. He looked up and smiled at me.

We walked hand in hand back to the hotel since it was only a block away.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said at the door of my room.

"Yeah, goodnight beautiful." He pecked my lips.

I entered the room and took off my makeup, along with my dress. I changed into my pajamas, and brushed my teeth. That night, I went to bed with a smile on my face. He sure is something, but I love it.

-Mahogany's point of view

I clapped, and cheered along with everybody for Brenda. I'm proud of her.

"Hey Mahogany?" Jacob asked me.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"After this, will you meet me in the lobby after you change into something more comfortable?" He asked.

"Umm, sure. May I ask why, though?" I asked him.

"Well, I need to talk to you. That's all." He said smiling nervously.

I nodded, and zoned off to my own little world. I wonder what he wanted to talk about. I hope nothing bad. After all, I did have feelings for him. Major feelings.

After the dance, I ran to my hotel room, and changed into a hoodie, along with a pair of sweats. I took off all of my makeup, and headed down to the lobby. As I got out of the elevator, I noticed Jacob sitting patiently on a chair.

"Hi." I said, once I was close enough.

"Hey." He smiled. "How about we walk around for a bit?"

"Sure." I agreed and walked with him to a small ice cream shop, which was surprisingly still open.

We ordered some ice cream, and sat down on a bench outside.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"Well, we have been going on dates for a bit, and it's been amazing. But," he started, and suddenly stopped.

Oh no! What if he wants to move on, and forget about me. I'm currently freaking out inside.

"But?" I signaled at him to keep going.

"But, I'm tired of just going on dates. I want to take this a step farther. So Mahogany, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me.

Wow. That's not what I expected. Sure I had feelings for him, but that came out of nowhere.

"I, uhh, I do." I said suddenly confident.

He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. Nothing like we've ever had before. It was passionate. I pulled away to catch my breath, smiling like an idiot.

We headed back to the hotel. We parted ways after a goodnight kiss. This boy was going to be the end of me.

-Brenda's point of view

I got off stage, only to be greeted by a kiss from Nash.

"You did amazing, baby!" He said smiling widely.

"Thank you." I said.

I had tears in my eyes. Both happy, and sad tears.

"What's wrong? It looks like you're about to cry." He asked worriedly.

"They're happy tears. The song just brings back memories." I replied.

"Well I'm proud of you, for facing your fear. I'm glad I was here to witness it." He said proudly.

Oh how I wish he was also here to witness what just happened.

We walked back to the table, where everyone attacked me in a hug.

"We're all very proud of you Brenda." Cam told me.

"Yeah, specially after what happened." Shawn smiled at me, knowing the reason of my fear.

"I'm proud of you, too." Jc joined.

"This is only the beginning." I mumbled.

I noticed Crystal, and Matthew running out through the door. I smiled at their thought. Everyone seemed to be happy. Either with their dates, or with their friends.

I'm glad my family was happy. The thing is that I wasn't as happy as I seemed. I was dying inside, dreading for the day not to come where it all crashes down.

I started a conversation with Nash. He did make me happy, but there was something inside me that didn't let me remain happy.

I laughed at something Nash had said, when I noticed Jackie staring at me.

He was with Mariah. Why would he stare at me? Should I tell him about what I saw? Nah, he wouldn't believe me. It's not my business anyways. I don't even know why I'm overthinking this.

He noticed that I caught him staring, and kissed Mariah. I don't care. He's getting cheated on anyways.

We headed back to the hotel. I changed into my bathing suit, and took all my makeup off. I put my hair in a bun, and headed downstairs to the pool by myself. Crystal was with Matthew, and Mahogany went on a walk with Jacob.

I divided into the pool that was lonely. I relaxed into the water as I swam around freely. I just needed to clear my thoughts. I have been really stressed out lately.

I hope you're proud of me, baby. I hope you are.

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