55.That's what you get...

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-Crystal's point of view

"Hey babe, I'm going to go to my room. I'll be back, I'm just getting my charger." Matt said kissing my cheek.

I nodded, and went back to my conversation with Carter. Minutes passed by, and Matt still wasn't back. Call me clingy, but getting a charger doesn't take 20 minutes.

"Hey Crystal? You wanna get some snacks?" Mahogany asked.

"Yeah! I'm kinda hungry!" I admitted, standing up.

We walked out of the hall, down to the vending machine.

"And then he took me to the park!" Mahogany squealed.

She had just finished telling me about her date with Jacob. They're so cute together!

"That's cute. I'm glad you found someone like him!" I smiled.

"Thanks. Can you hold this? I also have to get Cam some snacks." She asked, handing over a soda.

"Yeah." I nodded.

My phone fell out of my back pocket. I turned around to pick it up, but saw something I didn't expect to see.

"What the hell Matthew?!" I asked angrily, making me drop everything I had in my hands.

"Oh fuck, Crystal! I swear it's not what it-" he started but I cut him off.

"So you're not kissing another girl?" I asked.

"No, I swear!" He said.

"It was a rhetorical question! We're through! Don't talk to me again!" I yelled at him, running away.

My breathing fastened, as I ran through the stairs and halls. My vision got blurrier by the second. Hot tears streamed down my face.

I slammed the door opened to Brenda's room. I looked over to the balcony to see Jackie and her.

"Brenda! Matthew cheated on me!" I cried.

She immediately got up from her spot, and ran towards me. She wrapped her arms around me, and gave me comforting squeezes.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here. Boys are stupid." She kept repeating in my ear.

"Jackie! Go get Curls!" She whispered-yelled.

After about five minutes, Mahogany came in rushing over to us. Brenda whispered something to Mahogany before standing up. I was handed over to Mahogany.

"Where are you going?" I managed to ask.

"Somewhere. I have to fix somethings." Brenda answered.

"Someone's going to wish they were never born!" She mumbled.

-Brenda's point of view

I ran out of the room. I banged every room, looking for Matthew. I finally found Matthew in his room alone.

"Why the fuck did you cheat on her?!" I asked him angrily.

"I didn't! I swear!" He answered.

"Don't fucking lie to me! I'm already pissed, better not make it worse." I warned.

"I'm not lying! I didn't cheat!" He replied, making my blood boil even more.

"That's it!" I yelled before walking over to him.

I grabbed him by the collar, and pinned him against the way. Not in a freaky way, but a mean way.

"You're going to wish you were never born!" I yelled, throwing the first punch.

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