37.Calm down, I'm here

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-Nash's point of view

I came back defeated after Brenda didn't talk to me. Sky was walking beside me as we met with the others.

"Where's Brenda?" Cam asked me.

"She's back at the arcade!" Sky said, getting a bit hyper because of her candy.

"Why didn't she come back?" Crystal asked Sky.

"Because she's mad at Nash and she's talking with Jack!" Sky squealed.

"Hmm, I wonder why she's mad." Crystal said sarcastically, looking at me dead in the eye.

"Look, I tried to apolog-" I started.

"Nashty! There you are! I've been looking for you!" Claire said cutting me off and clinging onto me.

"Anyways, I tried to apologize but she just kept ignoring me!" I continued, ignoring Claire.

"To who?" Claire said smacking her gum.

"To Brenda!" Sky shouted.

"Why? She screamed at my face and made me cry." Claire said looking down.

"Because you deserved it!" Mahogany yelled clearly angry.

"No I didn't!" Claire said crossing her arms.

"Oh, you so did! You were running your mouth, talking rudely about people! She put you in your place, and you know she did!" Crystal defended Brenda.

"Shut up, bitch!" Was all Claire said.

Sky's eyes widened at the sound of a curse word.

"Oooou! I'm going to tell Brenda!" Sky said about to run off.

"You're not going anywhere!" Claire said grabbing Sky by the arm.

"She's going if she wants to! You're not the boss of her, so move." Hayes said grabbing Sky from Claire and walking to where Brenda was.

"Ugh kids! Why did we have to bring them?" Claire said.

"Because they're Nash's siblings!" Mahogany said clearly annoyed.

"So?" Claire asked working her nerves.

"That's it!" Crystal said standing up and charging at Claire.

I pushed Crystal back so she wouldn't get to Claire.

"Don't you dare lay a damn hand on her!" I said, protecting Claire.

"Don't you dare touch my best friend like that, you idiot!" Brenda popped out of nowhere.

"I didn't mean to! She was going to beat Claire up!" I stuttered.

"But you didn't have to push her back!" Brenda said pushing past Claire and I to help Crystal up.

"How about we start the game before it gets late?" Aaron suggested, getting up.

We agreed and began playing. The team Captains, Gilinsky and I, went first. We both made a strike. It was then Claire and Brenda's turn.

Claire made a spare, while Brenda made, a strike? She ran over to Johnson and attacked him in a hug.

Jealousy rushed through my body. Why did she hug him? After they pulled back, from a long hug might I add, they looked very happy.

Happier than I could make her.


-Brenda's point of view

I aimed. Stepped. Released. I made a strike! Ha, Claire made a spare.

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