23. Distraction

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-Jackie's point of view

Tomorrow is Brenda's birthday. We were all going all over the place to get the surprises ready.

"Okay, so today we don't have a show, which gives us time to set up everything." Crystal announced.

"Okay, so what do we do?" Nash asked.

"Cam and Nash, I want you two to make a slideshow of pictures of all of us for Brenda since y'all are technology geniuses." Crystal ordered.

"Jacob, Taylor, and Aaron are in charge of the food for the party." Crystal ordered.

"Shawn, Johnson, Carter, and Matthew, are in charge of the decorations, renting the paintball only for us, and flying in Jc and her sister." Mahogany then ordered.

"So that leaves Gilinsky, Mahogany, Hayes, and I to distract her meanwhile." Crystal ordered once again.

"That's not fair! You get to do the easy part!" Taylor whined.

"Have you ever hung around with Brenda by yourself?" Crystal asked sassily, putting a hand on her hip.

"Well, no, but I bet it's easy." Taylor responded.

"Exactly! You don't know what it's like. She's all over the place getting in trouble, and buying food when she can. It's not easy. She's very energetic sometimes." Crystal said sassily once again.

"Now, do you want to distract her?" Mahogany asked.

"N-no." Taylor replied quickly, making me chuckle.

"What's so funny, Johnson?" Gilinsky asked.

"Brandon isn't that bad as y'all say, she's pretty damn chill and incredible." I blurted out.

Everyone's eyes widened as those words left my mouth. I then realized what I had just said. Nash looked at me kind of ugly.

"Since when do you like her?" Nash asked with an attitude.

"Well I mean, she's pretty chill I guess, there's nothing wrong it's just.." I started to blabber.

"Dude, your blabbering. But if you really think is that easy, then you're in charge of getting her distracted." Gilinsky told me.

Everyone agreed except Nash.

"Did you guys seriously forget how he treated her?" He raised his voice.

"No, but I think we should give him a chance. After all, she would least suspect something because of Johnson." Crystal pointed out, making me smile.

"Unbelievable." Nash commented.

"Then what are y'all doing?" Taylor asked.

"Us girls are now in charge of the decoration." Mahogany stated.

"Gilinsky and Hayes are in charge of getting the cake, and the entertainment stuff set up. Y'all will also be in charge of setting the fireworks, and small picnic for the midnight trip." Crystal ordered.

"Alright then, does everyone know what they're doing?" She asked, making us all nod.

"Great! Let's get to work people, and make her night memorable!" Crystal shouted, making us cheer.

I went up to Brandon's room and knocked.

"Come in!" I heard her shout from inside.

I walked in, but didn't see her anywhere. Suddenly, she came out of the restroom dressed and ready.

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