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-Brenda's point of view

My day was going great with Jackie. He was actually nice, and funny. We were in the middle of the second movie, when Crystal called me.

Her ex-boyfriend, Albert, had called her. I went back inside the movie room, and told Jackie about it. Thankfully, he understood, and we left.

I stopped by a store, and bought junk food along with some movies. I then rushed to my hotel room after saying goodbye to Jackie.

I entered to see Crystal crying, and Matthew trying to comfort her.

"Matthew, I think I got it from here." I told him.

"But-" he started.

"No buts! Please leave, thank you." I told him, getting annoyed.

He did as told, and left Crystal and I alone.

"Hey babe, how was your day?" I asked softly.

"It was going good, but then he called me." She said in between sobs.

I pulled her close to me, and let her cry on my shoulder.

After she calmed down, I set up the movies. We watched a couple of the movies before she was ready to talk.

She told me what he said. It was hard since it had been a while since they've talked.

"Do you still feel something for him?" I asked her.

"Honestly, I don't know. I've been so caught up with Matt, I forgot about him." She answered confused.

"Would you give him another chance?" I asked.

"Right now? No. I'm happy with Matt." She answered honestly.

"Then that's your answer! If you're happy without him, then you don't need him. Matt is your happiness, and it's going to stay like that as long as your feelings are strong. Now how about Mahogany, you, and I have a girls dinner. No boys." I suggested.

She smiled at my idea and agreed.

"Okay, go get cleaned up. I'm going to tell Mahogany and the boys. I'll be back." I gave her one last hug before walking out.

I went into the room where apparently everyone was according to the noise. I let myself in, making everyone shut up.

"Crystal is a bit upset right now, so I need Mahogany for a girls dinner. No boys for the dinner since it's a girls night out. Also, I need to talk to Matthew privately." I informed.

Matthew and Mahogany followed me out the door. I took Matthew in a different room before closing the door.

"So what's up?" He asked casually.

"Do you actually like Crystal?" I asked seriously.

"Yeah, a lot." He smiled stupidly.

"Nice. Well, she's been hurt in the past by boys. If she's hurt, then I'm hurt. She's basically my everything, so I'll always protect her." I started seriously.

"So If you hurt her in anyway, I'll make sure you'll regret it." I threatened him by grabbing him by the shirt. "Now, I hope I don't have to do that. I wish y'all the best."

"What took you so long?" Crystal asked as I walked back to our room.

"I had a little talk with Matthew." I answered honestly.

"What was it about?" She asked curiously.

"That if he hurts you, I'd hurt him." I said casually.

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