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-Brenda's point of view

Today was the 23rd of December, meaning today we go back home to celebrate the holidays.

We were all coming back the 26th to Nashville, doing shows on the 28, 29. Then we will go back to North Carolina to a cabin that Nash's parents owned to celebrate New Years.

I woke up effortlessly. I didn't like plane rides, but I did want to go back home.

"Are you sure you have everything?" Crystal asked for the tenth time.

"Yes, I have everything!" I replied getting annoyed.

"Damn, okay. I was just making sure!" She said rolling her eyes.

We grabbed our stuff, and piled into the limo. We talked for a bit in the limo, but not much since we were still kinda sleepy.

Once we got to the airport, we got our stuff and headed inside.

Aaron, Taylor, Jacob, and Jc were the first ones to leave. I hugged each one of the guys and Mahogany after our flight was called.

"I'll see y'all in about three days!" I said before turning around, and walking into my gate with Crystal, and Arely.

After a couple long hours of helpless sleep, we finally got to Dallas. We grabbed our carry on, and headed to the baggage claim.

Once we got our stuff, we headed to the entrance where our family should be.

We were immediately mobbed by supporters waiting for us. We talked for a while before we had leave.

"My baby, I missed you!" My mom said running towards me.

"I missed you, too!" I said hugging her.

The process went on until I greeted everyone in my family. We all headed towards the house, and ate.

We talked about everything has been happening. We talked about tour, and my birthday. We also talked about what they've done since I've left.

I really had missed my family. They're my everything.

*Christmas day*

"Brenda! Brenda! Wake up, it's Christmas!" I heard my baby cousin say while jumping on me.

"Ugh." I groaned.

"Get up!" He tried to pull me up, making me smile.

"Okay baby, okay! I'll get up!" I said sitting up.

He giggled before running out of my room. Most of my family, along with Crystal's, slept over.

I got up, brushed my teeth, and changed out of my pajamas. I then went downstairs to where everyone was eating breakfast. Pancakes, to be exact.

I took a seat next to Crystal.

"Merry Christmas." I greeted.

"Merry Christmas." She replied.

I got my food, and immediately dug in.

"We should make a video. I finally have a new camera, and my computer." I suggested.

"Sure, how about we do a Q&A? I'll tweet it out right now." She agreed.

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