40. 3, 2, wow!

55 4 1

-Crystal's point of view

I walked back into the cabin after going shopping with the girls. I was really tired, so I decided to take a nap in my room which I was sharing with Matt. I walked in, and put my bags down.

"Hey baby, how was shopping with the girls?" Matt asked from his bed.

"Really made me tired." I answered.

"How come?" He asked.

"Mahogany made Brenda and I try on many clothes, and made us run through out the mall." I explained.

"I bet she did." He chuckled.

"How about we relax in the lake?" He offered.

"Sounds good. Let me change though." I agreed before walking over to my suitcase, and getting a bikini out.

I went into the restroom and changed. It was a strapless fully white bikini. I came out, and met Matt downstairs.

We walked hand in hand all the way to the lake. It was quiet and peaceful. All I ever wanted.

"Hey, do you think it's deep?" I asked him.

"I don't know, but we're about to find out." Matt shrugged.

"What do-"

Without a warning, Matt pushed me into the lake.

"What the hell, Matthew?!" I shouted at him, but he ignored me since was too busy laughing

"Oh, I see how it is!" I said before pulling him in, making his laughter die.

"What was that for?!" He shouted.

"You pushed me in first." I pointed out.

We spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and playing around in the water. It was perfect. We were perfect.

-Mahogany's point of view

I plopped on my bed after a long day of shopping.

"Hey babe?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Wanna cuddle?" He offered, noticing my tiredness.

"Please." I accepted.

He put a random movie on, and came back to lay with me. He wrapped his arms tightly around me, but not tight enough to hurt.

I felt safe in his arms. As if nobody could bring or break us down. Our love was that powerful. We were powerful.

*next morning*

-Brenda's point of view

"Wake up!" Someone said throwing a pillow to my face.

"Never!" I whined like a little kid, snuggling more into the pillow.

"Fine then." The person said before I heard footsteps walking away.

Moments later, I felt something cold thrown at me. I immediately shot up as a reflex. I then noticed it was a guilty looking Gilinsky standing at my door with a bucket in hand.

"You're so dead." I warned before he left running.

I ran after him. He quickly ran down the stairs smoothly while I almost fell on my face. I was hot on his tail, but then he made a sharp turn which, made me run into a wall.

"Fuck!" I yelled in pain.

I recovered myself, and kept running after Gilisnky. He hid behind Jackie, so I couldn't get to him.

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