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-Jackie's point of view

Today is my birthday, meaning today is March 24. I woke up to Brandon jumping on my bed. Shocker! Note the sarcasm.

Anyways, we were going out to eat since I didn't want anything special. Simple guy, I know. Brandon and Nash haven't talked since the breakup. We didn't find out about the breakup until the day after. We had caught Nash making out with Claire and got overwhelmed, but Brandon cut in and declared the breakup.

The fans went crazy! They either split into sides, or created new ship names. In our cause, #Brackie.

It honestly made me feel weird inside, but I loved the feeling. Cheesy.

"Hurry! We're meeting everyone in 30 minutes!" Brandon woke up Gilinsky.

"Hurry! We're meeting everyone in 30 minutes!" Brandon woke up Gilinsky

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After everyone was ready, we met up in the lobby. Somehow, Brandon still managed to take my breath away with a simple outfit. Dammit.

She walked in between Gilinsky and I, making a random conversation. I noticed Nash taking glances at her. Isn't he with Claire anyways?

"Can y'all shut up?" Claire snapped at us.

"We can, we just don't want to!" Brandon spat, making Claire shut up.

"Anyways, how's it like being 18, Johnson?" Aaron asked.

"I don't know. I just woke up being 18, so I still need to experience it a little more." I answered.

The limo came to a stop, so we got out. We walked into a little cafe that wasn't packed, nor lonely. Perfect. We sat around one table that was big enough for us. Shocking.

"So we're doing this since you didn't want a party?" Claire asked me.

"Correct." I answered.

"Weirdo." She mumbled lowly, thinking we didn't hear her.

"He might be a weirdo, but we all are. Except you, you're to ordinary. Eww." Brandon replied.

"Shut up! At least I have a boyfriend!" Claire said.

"I don't need a boy to keep me happy since I'm an independent woman! You just rely on others." Brandon laughed.

"It just happens to be your ex!" Claire shot, making Brandon mad.

"You mean my left overs?" Brandon smiled innocently, making us hold our laughter back.

"So what are y'all going to order?" Crystal asked, trying to break the tension.

"I want pancakes." Gilinsky shouted.

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