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-Brenda's point of view

"Hey girls! Get up and get ready. We're going for breakfast as a whole group." Matthew said coming into our room, interrupting our sleep.

We did as told and started to get ready.

Mahogany's outfit consisted of a black crop top, long flower skirt, and some low cut boots

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Mahogany's outfit consisted of a black crop top, long flower skirt, and some low cut boots.

Crystal's outfit consisted of a black crop top, with some gold pants that had designs and some converse.

My outfit consisted of a 'Cameron Dallas' shirt with some white shorts and black combat boots.

Once we were ready, we waited in the lobby for everyone.

"I like your shirt, Brenda." Cam winked playfully at me.

"Best believe it, babe!" I played along.

We looked at each other and bursted out laughing. During our laughing fit, everyone missing came down.

"Wow, and to think that us girls would take longer." Mahogany teased, making us all laugh.

We went to IHOP since last time, not everyone went. We got a big table only for us, and sat down, ordering our drinks. I sat between Nash and Gilinsky. I was talking to both in a interesting conversation.

"Um no! Batman is so much better than Superman." I defended.

"Not true! Superman is much better for many reasons." Nash said.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" I challenged.

"Superman knows how to fly!" Nash spat.

"So? Batman doesn't need that. He's agile and smart. He's that cool!" Gilinsky helped me out.

"Not at all! Superman doesn't die easily like Batman does." Nash argued.

"Because Superman is a freaking alien. Like, what the hell? Batman is a real human that was born in planet EARTH, unlike Superman!" I defended, emphasizing 'earth'.

"The fact that Superman is an alien, is cool. That's why he's better!" Nash said trying to back up Superman.

"No. What makes Batman cooler and better is that he has his own Batman signal. Something Superman doesn't have!" I argued back.

"Yeah, that's true. Can't argue with that!" Gilinsky said.

"No-uh!" Nash said like a little kid.

"Ye-uh" I said back.




"Would you guys shut the fuck up!" Johnson said annoyed.

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